Where One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

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All of the pirates in the area started panicking as they looked around at the situation before them, seeing the many soldiers that were ready to kill them as they tried to think of what to do. It was clear that if they fought, they would lose, but there didn't appear to be many other options.

Katara never thought she would think this, but she sort of had wished that she hadn't hunted down so many pirates. If they had more pirates around them now, maybe they would stand more of a chance against the armies surrounding them. Then again, every pirate she had put down had spared an innocent person's life as well, so she figured that the trade had been worthwhile. Even if it meant that she would die today.

Truth be told, had it not been for her relationship with Aang, she might have given up and just let it happen. But, knowing that she couldn't allow anything to happen to the young man who had stolen her heart, she tried desperately to think of something to get them out of this mess.

They were surrounded on all sides by soldiers, meaning that they would have to fight to get back out. If they could just make it back to their ship, then they could sail it away from there and allow Azula and her cronies to wipe out the rest of the pirates.

Looking back at the dock behind them, she was a bit surprised to see that this was where the army was at its weakest, meaning that if they could get past them, they could get to their ship and sail far away from this place.

Though the pardon had sounded good, she supposed that she should have known that it would be a trap. There had been absolutely no sign of Azula since they had last seen her on Kyoshi Island, something that Katara hadn't even thought twice about. She had assumed it was only a matter of time before the crazy Fire Nation princess found them again, she had just hoped that it would be sometime after they had gotten the pardon.

Still though, despite how clear it was that Azula was not a nice person, she couldn't quite believe that she was actually willing to kill her own brother and uncle. It was one thing to want to kill others for political reasons, but one's own family? That was another whole kind of evil.

If Azula was like this, she couldn't say that she was looking forward to facing her father, but she knew that this was the last thing they should be worrying about at the moment. What they needed to figure out right now was how to get out of there alive so they could then worry about the upcoming battle.

Before she or Aang could come up with a plan, the pirates around them seemed to accept that they were doomed, and decided that they were going to go down fighting as they pulled out their swords and charged at the enemy around them.

It wasn't long before the clashing of swords and the sounds of different kinds of bending rang throughout the area, making the pirate hunters struggle to defend themselves as they were caught in the middle of it, despite not having joined in the fight as their enemies had. As much as they didn't like it, the other pirates were the closest things to allies that they had at the moment, and they would need them until they could figure a way out of there.

"Katara! Watch out!"

Blinking in surprise as she heard Aang's familiar voice while knocking the sword out of an Earth Kingdom guard's hand, she looked at him and saw him pointing to something, turning just in time to see a Firebender shoot some flames at her.

Taking some water from the nearby pond, she threw the water in front of her and made it evaporate before throwing the rest of it at her attacker, knocking them off of their feet and freezing them to the ground. Had they been pirates, she wouldn't have hesitated to end them, but she understood that these soldiers were just following orders. And even if it might make things a little more difficult for her, she wasn't going to take their lives for it.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 26, 2021 ⏰

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