Chapter 1

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I get so shy being right by your side
It's no surprise that you caught my eye


''So you eventually decided to show up?'' the sassy tone reached my ears as I arrived at the location she sent me earlier.

My gold-skinned work friend stood there, in front of the museum, wrapped in her big, fuzzy, purple coat. Her beautiful hair was braided in dreadlocks, falling down her back, and allowing her facial features to illuminate the museum's large beams. She was the kind of beauty that made even the prettiest girls disappear in her shadow.

I was truly mesmerized by her, not only because of her appeal but personality too. With a mind of a brilliant and an appearance of a diamond. She was a real gem and I was just blessed to be one of her acquaintances.

''Sorry, pal.'' my voice was sarcastic as I approached her, playfully bumping her shoulder with my fist. ''You know us, the famous people, always catching the bus and stuff.'' I joked, my hand hovering over her shoulders and pulling her into a side hug.

She muffled a laugh, sliding her hand around my waist into a hug. ''Famous people my ass. Even my cousin doesn't know who the fuck am I.'' she spat, sarcasm hidden in her voice but her strong New York accent made her sound bitter.

I shook my head, smiling softly. The chilly evening breeze tickled my bare legs. It was a stupid idea to wear such a thin dress on such a windy night. It was ironic how I was born and raised in Salt Lake City and still didn't know how cold it could get. Don't get me wrong, this place is amazing. I love living here but there are places I'd rather be. I mean this place has its positive parts but then again the air quality is so poor and dry, that I think my skin is going to crack if I stay more than an hour outside. And then there is the winter...

''Well, I hope you introduce me to the world one day, you know, when you become some famous ass bitch.'' I was pulled out of my thoughts about the bad air when my girl friend's laugh reached me. She put her hands in the air, slowly moving them away as if showing me something that was actually there. Not just dry air. ''Kenya Abbas, the slut that thought Maeve everything she knows about the male genitalia.''

I rolled my eyes as she giggled putting her hands down. ''Yeah joke about it, but one day my autographs will cost more than your pussy.'' I said with a cheeky tone, walking after her to the glass doors.

''Oh, babe I hope so.'' she breathed slowly looking at me over her shoulder. ''But miss vagina gets a hundred fifty for a night, you have serious competition.'' she winked at me before a broad smile appeared on her lips.

Her hand wrapped around the glass door's knob, before she opened it staying aside. ''Celebrities first.'' you could've heard Kenya's sarcasm even if you were deaf. Her head slowly bent down, as she delicately swayed her hand showing me the entrance.

It was a big ass hole not a pussy, I could've found the entrance on my own as well. It's not like I'm going in from the window.

I pursed my lips flipping her over as I entered the building. A young Host greeted us in the bright lobby. A red carpet laid under our feet, gold wallpaper on the walls, and a big chandelier. We gave our jackets to him with a polite smile, before entering the actual place.

The place was breathtaking, making me gasp in fascination. We stood on the staircase with a full view of the hall. The same red carpet continued down the stairs on the first floor with the same yellow wallpapers on the walls. Big windows were placed on top of the walls and long chandeliers were let down from the painted ceiling. Gods and goddesses were portrayed around the diamond light source.

¶BRIGHT [Z.M] (on pause)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant