First Act

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There will be no moral. There will be death and darkness and things you don't like. There will be no rainbow, no sunshine and no happy endings, everyone will die; in one way or another, the way it will happen is yet to be known.

Each chapter is a standalone, where terrible things will happen; good or bad, they are just people whom tradegy, heartbreak, death and gloom will descend on.

There will be no purpose, no direction - remember, no morals.

Listen, you have entered the liar of a questionable (or is it unquestionable) and unstable character and that means you should question everything and watch out for any unstable floorboards. Madness and lost limbs is the other alternative. Choose wisely.

Flash fiction and short stories and dialogue, but they will look like snippets from a story, that was never told and may never be told. Maybe, someday, one day, the words will flow into a hundred, two hundred or even three hundred pages. But for now, I'll have to content myself, with seperating the limbs from the body, no matter how painful it is.

Kill your darlings.

This could go on forever but there is something waiting for you on the other page.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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