Rear Mirror

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"I don't understand, did I say something wrong?"

"No kid. You were perfect, absolutely perfect." their footsteps the only other sound heard along the corridor.

"Then why? I know I'm not getting the job. And don't contradict it, you know it, just I know it." The kid scrunched his face, as they stood at exit door. "I don't get it, his eyes were alight, I knew I was making a good impression. And then at the end it was gone, just like that."

"Really kid, don't beat yourself up."

"See. You just confirmed it, I'm not getting the job."

"Why do you say that?"

"Dont beat yourself up... " His face was miserable. "I really need this job. My family, they..."

"You are right. You will receive the rejection letter, by day's end."

"Why? What did I do wrong? At least tell me so I don't mess up at the next interview, if I ever get another one."

"You reminded him too much of his younger self. I know this, because I have being with him from the very beginning."

The kid's eye went wide. "Then why not take a chance on me. With his guidance... " the kid's gazed up the length of the Luna HQ. One hundred and fifty stories. "... Maybe I can create a fraction of what's he has."

"Because he doesn't like who he has become."

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