Ch.1. Jealousy, yet not.

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         It was officially coming close to the end of my 'day off', it was so boring. Working for Hu Tao was much more fun— Ahem, why am I having thoughts about work on my day off? Maybe I should ask Beidou more about visions.. no, I don't want to bother her.  I sighed

          I know! I'll go visit Yanfei! Of course! Though I think she has a mini crush on Hu Tao.. I wont let that get in my way of being friends with her.

         I circled around Liyue to try and see what Yanfei was up to. I looked to my left. Nothing. I looked to my right, nothing. I looked to my— "Oh, hey Y/n!" Yanfei. I looked ahead of me to see her walking with Hu Tao. "Oh— did Miss. Hu Tao get into trouble again? I wouldn't be surprised." Yanfei shook her head. "Aww! How mean of you Y/n! Always thinking I'm up to no good! I'm better now that you're here, remember why I hired you?~"

         "Oh! Yanfei asked me to have lunch with her, mind going with us Y/n?" Hu Tao smiled playfully. Oh thank Rex Lapis. Hu Tao was dumb enough today to not know it was a date. This was very much helpful. Yanfei twisted her hair annoyed, hinting it to me. I decided to act dense. "Sure! I was looking for Yanfei anyway..." I smiled innocently. "Perfect! Come with me!" Hu Tao grabbed my arm and dragged me along as Yanfei walked beside us.

          We stopped in front of a restaurant not far outside of Liyue. It had two stands that looked like tables a bar would have. Hu Tao and Yanfei started a conversation about the last customer that had a problem with Hu Tao. "He said that he hated his Grandma though! I only suggested we burned her body, like he said it was her least favorite choice!" Hu Tao argued. "Hu Tao, you do know even if one hated their family, they would still want them to have a peaceful death? Well for most anyway... oh! I have to go see a client right about now! See you guys later!" Yanfei rushed off.

           "Oh? How upsetting. She left before I could wave 'bye'!" Hu Tao made a dramatic pose. I stayed quiet. Hu Tao noticed this and had her smile, the one that shows she was going to do something seductive. She knows it.

           She grabbed my hand and leaned in close to my face, to where our noses touched. "Why are you so quiet? Oh! Is it because we are alone together?~ But we always are alone together! Oh, Y/n~ are you thinking dirty things? How erotic!" I hit her on the head and she backed away, rubbing her head like a child. "Miss, I believe you are the only one thinking such dirty things. As we are standing in front of a restaurant, I am deciding what I want to eat like a normal person." I crossed my arms in disappointment.

           "Oh! Thats right! Lets head in, Y/n. We can't just stand here, mkay?" She pulled me in without another word.

            "Lets see... I want... oh! I want the Sweet Madame! And you, Y/n?" I looked over the paper menu. "Curry." I thought about the warm feeling curry gave me. I loved it. Even though I was cryo and wasn't supposed to like warm things.

           When the waitress came, we ordered our food. "Did you see that waiter, Y/n? He was cute! Yeah, Y/n, you should totally get a boyfriend! I could set you up!" Oh. "No thanks." Hu Tao looked confused. "Oh? Are you not into men, Y/n? Could it be your into women? If thats so, I'm right here!" The pretty girl smiled at me. I felt butterflies. Of course I wasn't going to admit how I really felt

           "Actually, I.." I didn't know an excuse at the moment. "I really like curry!" I said out loud. Hopefully it was a save. "Oh? In love with curry? How weird." Her smile faded.

           Once we got our food, Hu Tao rambled about how much Yanfei nagged at her. I listened to her ranting, you'd get used to it. She got quiet for a second. Very unusual. "Y/n, say 'Ah~'!" She shoved a piece of sweet madame close into my face. Well, she was my boss. Even though it was embarrassing, I had to listen. "Uh.." too embarrassing. "Ah!" I said awkwardly. She pushed the piece of food onto my tongue. She took the empty chopstick out of my mouth and patted my head. "There there. Now we had an indirect kiss!"


This chapter was so awkward for me 😰

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