Sleeping Demon

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You think I'm sweet,

Innocent and nice

But right now,

I'm wanting to take your life

Yes I am quiet,

And I keep to myself

But messing with me,

Might not be good for your health

I know I am nice,

And I'm never aggressive

But honey when it comes to revenge,

I can be quite obsessive

It takes a whole lot,

To get me to lose my head

But your constant annoyance,

Is making me want to beat you dead

I never express my anger,

I like to keep it bottled up

But at the rate your going,

That bottle is gonna bust

I am trying to give you,

A fair and clear warning

Because when I get a hold of you,

You might not make it till the morning

I'm telling you,

In the clearest way it can be

Take what I say very seriously,

And don't awake this sleeping demon in me

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