Picking Flowers

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This was Co-written with Tweety37

You love me, you love me not

I dream of you, but you love me not

I wish for you, but you love me not

My love so strong, it's like a love song

Whisking me away, into a world I can't explain

My body trembling with pain

You love me, you love me not

I knock on the door, it opens not

I try to open your heart, yet it flees from me

You intrigue me still

Your heart can't stay closed, it won't

I will find the key, and set it free

But, the search is up

Your key has been found by another, I wasn't quick enough

I thought this would be a treasure hunt

But your treasure was hidden in plain sight

The door I knocked upon would not open,

Because someone else was already inside

So here I sit, picking flowers

Hoping they will make you love me

He loves me, he loves me not

He loves me, he loves me not

He loves me, he loves me not

Oh, how I wish he'd love me

. . . . . But you love me not

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