Chapter 2

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*Thomas' POV*

"Hey, Elena! Aren't you just the wild party girl—"

My ears perked up at the catcalls and whistles that filled the cafeteria. I looked at Elena Evelyn's table to see my dancing partner sit between Duggan and Ezekiel with the grace and refinement of a newly crowned queen. She even gave a little wave to her appreciative audience.

"Dance with me, would you? We'll burn a hole through the floor—"

"I'll request for Mr. Brahms to change partners! I'm a better dancer than Thomas, anyway—"

"Shut up!" Ezekiel howled, his ridiculous face looking more ridiculous with that ridiculously angry expression on it. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

"Elena, that dance you did with Thomas was hot," Diana said, pushing her ugly brother away and depositing herself firmly at Evelyn's left. My interest heightened, and the sounds on my table faded as I concentrated on eavesdropping.

"When he dipped you that second time, I thought he was going to snog you senseless—"

"Diana, please," Ezekiel protested, dropping his spoon loudly on his plate. "You weren't even there yesterday. How could you possibly know about that?"

Diana lifted her nose high in the air. "Katy told me, as did Phoebe, Jade, and Chloe. Actually, that was the topic of yesterday's conversations at the girls' bathroom."

"Conversations at the Girls' Bathroom," Alyssa Duggan repeated, smiling. "You make it sound like a formal meeting."

"Oh, it is," Diana said flippantly. "Only the juiciest, most interesting and most controversial issues are talked about, let me tell you. And what could be more juicy, interesting, and controversial than the head students doing the dirty deed in front of everyone? Too bad you weren't there, Alyssa."

"Alyssa got paired with Tonks!" Ezekiel interjected. "I think that's more interesting than Thomas and Elena's—"

"Shut up Dane!" Alyssa said, eyeing the other boy with disgust. She actually hovered her fork over her own neck.

"Shut up Dane!" Diana echoed, rolling her eyes. "That's nothing compared to Thomas and Elena's dance of lurve." Dance of lurve? I glanced at Evelyn, half-expecting her to be flushed and humiliated at the mention of the event. I was taken aback to see her smiling and nodding as though she thoroughly enjoyed talking about yesterday.

"It was…controversial?" she asked, and then chuckled when the blonde-haired girl nodded with vigor.

"Yes, yes, yes," Diana said, edging closer to her. "Elena, I'll just die if I can't watch you and Thomas Orhanen 'get it on' today. Please, please, please. Sneak me in!"

"I'm sorry, Dee," she replied, instantly looking apologetic. "I don't want to get into trouble, especially not this close to graduation. I feel sorry for you, though."

"Why?" Diana asked, rather suspiciously.

At this point, Evelyn lifted her eyes off the underclassman and met my stare head on. "Because something interesting is going to happen later, I can guarantee that," she said, smiling widely. She lifted her cup and took a long sip from it, never breaking eye contact with me as she did.

I blinked, caught off guard at her finding me staring at her. Was she aware of what I was doing all along? Not that it mattered too much, though. I wiped the surprised expression on my face with a smirk. Evelyn cocked her brow, and then focused on her meal. I did the same.

A few minutes after that, I spotted a freshman walking towards my table with an envelope on her grip. She went to me and gave me the envelope. She didn't say a word, she just put the envelope and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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