You are Important

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You are important, yes, even if you don't believe it, you are important ... You still don't believe me? Well, let me tell you why you are important.

The mere fact that you are here makes you important, your existence has the power to leave a positive impact on the world, however minimal it may be.

I give you an example, the fact that you give a hug, a kiss, a positive comment, a smile from the bottom of your soul, that helps others. If they have a bad day and you come in and say something like: "You look good, nice to see you" with a warm smile, it can be very useful to that person who needs it, as well as you.

Maybe sometimes you feel ignored by your friends or family, that they put you aside, but I tell you that deep down they love you, and if not, it does not matter, I do love you, and you are important to me, maybe Maybe it is not much, but it can be of some use to you, and that is the important thing, to help you feel better.

Now, you do not have to change to be "important", if they force you to change so that they "accept" you, talk to you, and make you feel "important", it is not the right thing to do, you are important for yourself, if you do not You feel comfortable that it matters, you are you, and if others do not think so.What? There is a very famous saying that you surely know or have heard, it goes like this ...

"Better alone than in bad company"

I have verified it, if you simply feel that "you do not fit" feet, no and now, you are not going to do what others want, you know, although later we will talk about who we are, right now we sit that everyone without exception is important.

And as Michelle Obama said: "You don't have to be somebody different to be important. You're important in your own right."

So don't forget, you are important, the world needs you, your country needs you, your community needs you, your friends need you, your family needs you, I need you and you need yourself.

See? I told you! You are important and a lot.

I hope this small dose of motivation has served you, it may not be much, but I hope it will help you with something, soon I will upload more "dose" I love you very much.

-Rbk Out✨

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