You are Unique

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You are unique, pay attention, there is no one like you in the whole universe, and that's fine, it would be very boring if we were all the same, don't you think?

This is very spun with the previous dose where I tell you that you are special ;'3

It may be that perhaps by chance someone comes to dress the same as you, perhaps your tone of voice resembles that of someone else, or you can also share a similar physique, for example with your siblings or other family members, or with another person who It can be alien to your family, you can also share thoughts and ideals.

But with ideals, physique, mentality, feelings, and everything that you are, you will not find anyone exactly like you, you are unique and unrepeatable. A clearer example is in fingerprints, they will never be the same as someone else's; no matter how much they want to imitate you, no one will ever be able to be you, and that is your super power.

You may come to think that you are "weird" myself I feel that way many times, then I remember this phrase ...

"I'm not weird, I'm limited edition"

Good phrase, right? If someone tells you 'oh, you are very rare' answer like this, you are a limited edition that has a great value and that will never have an equal, believe me that thinking about that will make you feel much better.

"Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else."- Margaret Mead

What does this refer to? Didn't you tell us that we are all different? Why do it says that like the others?

Well, this emphasizes that we are all unique, like everyone else; we are equal in being different. A nice message that we must put into practice.

I hope you like this dose of motivation, I love you. :3

-Rbk Out✨

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