Sketch 3

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Here comes the third sketch...

Here comes the third sketch

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My experience:-

During that time, the lockdown was in effect. Therefore, I thought it would be prudent to draw a sketch of my current situation. Therefore, I made this one. The bored, frustrated guy just wanting a chance to step outside. For him, his house has turned into hell, requiring him to do all the household chores he need not do if he were in school. Yes, this is me 😂. No, it is not a self-portrait, but rather the expression of my feelings at that time.

It took four days to complete it. Yes, I draw too slowly. But being a perfectionist, I love my pace. It allows me to rule out the minor faults in my drawings. But that doesn't mean that my drawings are perfect. They become perfect in my eyes but still, there are many flaws that you guys can figure out.

So how is it? Good, bad, or average? If Any suggestions you have in your mind you can share them in the comments.


The time has come for us to know the winner of the previous contest.

And the winner is.......

Congrats just_descendants !!! You are the winner of the previous contest

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Congrats just_descendants !!! You are the winner of the previous contest...🎉🎉🎉


To all other participants, a huge thanks from the hosts to participate in this contest

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To all other participants, a huge thanks from the hosts to participate in this contest. It doesn't matter whether you win or not but what matters is the participation. In the next contest, I hope you all will participate with the same enthusiasm and hope to win as well 😊. 


For a while, I won't be able to hold any contests due to study pressure. I am extremely sorry for that. Stay tuned for more updates...

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