7// Everlasting Love

898 51 21

Year 2026
Vienna, Austria
Classical Austrian Art Center

With his cold and icy voice, Seokhoon pulls his hands away from the female rather harshly and speaks.

'I already told you many times Flora.... I'm not interested in being your accompanist.'

The blonde female pouts and nags in a childish way.

'Fine, but take me out for dinner. Then I won't bother you about the accompanist thing anymore.'

Rolling his eyes and pulling the sleeves of his polo up in frustration. Seokhoon sighs and looks down at the female.

'When I said I wasn't interested in being your accompanist... It also means I'm not interested in you.'

Groaning slightly, Seokhoon continues with his 'as a matter of fact' voice.

'In fact.... I'll just get straight to the point. Don't think about us as anything more than colleagues. I have a girlfriend whom I love very much. If you don't want us to become awkward then please respect my space.'

Without even hearing a reply, Seokhoon swiftly walks away leaving the female and her manager to process everything he had just said.

Already irritated and unable to continue his composition, Seokhoon enters his private practice room and sighs in exhaustion.

Scanning the slightly messy studio, he massages his temples and roll his sleeves up. It wasn't until he notices a box on the table that he walks towards it and somehow a smile finds it's way back to his face.

A note was attached on top of the box.

'These were the things you asked me to prepare for you.'

P.S- I swear.... I didn't peek into them (😉)

-Your favorite hyung

Seokhoon chuckles at the note and opens the box up.

It was filled with new photo frames and beautiful pictures that he had specifically selected.

Taking each out carefully, Seokhoon gazes and holds each one with so much affection laced in his eyes.

They were newly printed pictures of the events that had happened a week before.

To be honest, most of them were just candid photos of Rona that Jenny took backstage or while she was performing and had sent to him.

Some of them meanwhile were old pictures of the Hera kids and their times in CheongAh. Seokhoon took each of the picture frames and swiftly places them on the shelves of the studio.

After much contemplation, he decides to put his favorite one. A picture of them linking arms and gazing at each other on top of his humongous and shiny black grand piano.

He had missed her and called her almost everyday since he came back to Vienna

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He had missed her and called her almost everyday since he came back to Vienna.

So this is what it felt like when your apart from your lover?

Resting his arms on the huge piano, Seokhoon silently takes something out of his blazer jacket's pocket.

Grinning at the small velvet box, he opens it and admires the sparkly jewelry.

'Aren't you going a bit too fast?'

Turning around to the sudden voice behind him. Seokhoon shakes his head and defends himself.

'Can you please knock or warn me.... Stop jumping in like that.'

SangYeob rolls his eyes at the younger male and shifts his gaze to the object on Seokhoon's hands.

The male continues as he gently strokes the small and precious diamond.

'I waited for 3 years.... Don't worry too much hyung, I won't ask her yet. I know how important her career is right now....I'm hoping sometime in the future when the time is right. I'll ask her to permanently be in my life.'

The elder man smiles with pride at the young pianist and replies with a fatherly voice.

' That's the first time I've ever heard a manly statement from you Joo Seokhoon..... I'm proud, but why did you choose that design? '

Looking down at the ring, Seokhoon grins at the thought of presenting it to the love of his life someday.

'I commissioned it even before we reconciled.... My heart has always only been filled with her hence I had it made. It's a diamond, she was born on April.... it's her birthstone. But other than that, it's meaning is beautiful and befitting.'

SangYeob tilts his head in questioning and urges him to continue.

' It means... Strength and courage, it fits Rona's description doesn't it?
But the one thing that I really liked about the diamond is that it also means Everlasting love. Now that I've got another chance to restart and make more memories with her, I'll do everything to make her happy and to make this love last for an eternity. '

SangYeob nods in understanding, but as Seokhoon goes into one of his dazed day dreams yet again. His manager comments hesitantly.

' I don't mean to be lousy and too much of a attention seeker but.... Just how will you guys maintain this relationship? You live in Vienna, she lives in Milan.... Isn't it a bit too hard realistically?'

Sitting on his piano bench, Seokhoon sighs as he closes the small box and slips it into his pocket.

' I honestly don't know.... Rona and I agreed to do a long distance for now but it's already killing me not being able to hold her and have her here with me physically... She'll be coming for her show in a few weeks. I'll probably have a conversation with her then. '

SangYeob nods in understanding as he joins Seokhoon and helps him set up his newly renovated practice room. Now filled with precious and beautiful memories that would inspire him and help him create wonderful new pieces befitting for a world famous pianist.

Deep in his mind, Seokhoon also starts to think

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Deep in his mind, Seokhoon also starts to think....

How the hell does he continue his day when she was in another country?

It was a huge problem for most couples but unbeknownst to Mr. Joo himself. His dearest Prima Donna had already started moving one step faster than him.

Just like the old times, he was always one step late although this time it wasn't much of a big deal.

Already prepping her things and documents. Bae Rona was more than ready to fly out of Milan and move to the city of Vienna.....

And jump into the arms of her love.

It Was Always You // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona ✨🌌🌠Where stories live. Discover now