24// Reassurance

433 16 8

Year 2026
Vienna, Austria
Classical Austrian Art Center

Seokhoon and Rona sat side by side on the piano bench and tried to play classical pieces that they both thought were well suited for her upcoming concert.

Since Seokhoon would be her accompanist, he had jumped in to give her his opinion and advice on what he thought would be much appropriate for the season and also to match the theme of the whole program itself.

'I loved the one I sang when we were in high school though..... How did it go again?'

Rona tries to play the piano whilst trying to remember the exact notes through her brain.

But to no avail, she had completely forgotten all the right keys to play the whole song.

The song she was pertaining to was the one she sang the night she had almost died in CheongAh.

Tornami A Vagheggiar

Taking his chance, Seokhoon grins as he sneakily wraps Rona in a back hug and hold her hands to lead her to the right notes.

Realizing his schemes, Rona turns around and jokingly glares at her boyfriend.

'You must be like this with all your female students Mr. Joo...'

Seokhoon quickly turns on his defensive mode and waves his hand, denying her allegations.

'No way am I going to do that to any girl or anyone.... Except you, my love.'

Rona grins as she gets lost in his grey orbs and unconsciously leans forward to peck her boyfriend's lips.

'Sure!!! You big flirt.... I wouldn't have imagined the once cold and stoic Joo Seokhoon to become this soft and adorable.'

Seokhoon winks at his girlfriend and was about to speak until someone knocks on his door.

'That must be the styling and costume department....they told me, they'd be here around this time.'

After pecking his girlfriend for one last time, Seokhoon smirks as he opens the door and lets the staff in.

'Good Afternoon Ms. Bae, it's such an honor to finally get to work with you. I am Hugo and I am in charge of your outfits while you perform as an artist under this art center.'

Rona smiles and nods as she moves to sit on the couches together with Seokhoon.

'It's also an honor for me to meet your team and finally get to work with you Mr. Hugo, I hope you take good care of me.'

Hugo chuckles as he pulls a rack containing tons of beautiful and luxurious gowns.

'Don't you worry about that.... I made sure to prepare gowns that would only fit you..... Should we try gown #1 then?'

Swiftly, the team sets up a banister to let Rona have her privacy to change gowns.

Seokhoon being the supportive boyfie that he is simply smiled and sat on his grey velvet couch waiting patiently whilst sipping on a glass of red wine.

Eventually Rona came out after she had wore the first gown. It was a White ballgown, encrusted and embroidered with crystals and sparkly stones.... One things for sure though. It looked hella expensive and super heavy.

It had the puffy shoulder look and it looked perfect on Rona

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It had the puffy shoulder look and it looked perfect on Rona. She looked elegant and stunning... One could only imagine how better it would look once she stepped out on the spotlight to sing on center stage.

Seokhoon's reaction didn't need much description... He was just enthralled and bewitched yet again by his girlfriend's beauty.

'It looks very perfect on you Ms. Bae.... I assume this will be used on the first act. We just need to fix some measurements down here and it'll be much perfect and magnificent.'

Rona smiles and nods in gratefulness at Hugo and his staff as she observed her reflection on the mirror.

But despite the compliments and endless reassurance from the staff, Rona expressed doubts as to whether she could pull off such a beautiful gown.

Deciding that it was time for him to step in, Seokhoon signals the staff to take a few minutes of break and steps forward to do the 'loyal and good boyfie role'.

Gently wrapping his arms around her tiny waist from behind, Seokhoon crosses eyes with Rona through their reflections from the mirror. He smirks and smiles as she sighs and strokes his fingers gently.

'Babe... Believe it or not this gown was made for you.... It's basically screaming for you to wear it. You look beautiful and I'm sure you'll take everyone's breathe away on that day because you're amazing... And there's a bonus reaction if you do wear this gown... '

Arching her eyebrows in confusion, Rona tilts her head and gently bumps onto Seokhoon's as she urges for him to continue.

'Well... We already know everyone will be blown away because of your amazing voice but if you wear this dress... Chances are some people will faint because they've just seen an angel.'

Rona could swear she almost had the urge to vomit on the spot as she cringes at Seokhoon's joke slash corniness?

Rolling her eyes and not responding to his cheesy statement, Rona closes her eyes and thinks about it for a while. She always got stressed whenever she had a fitting, back then it was her manager whom reassured her and offered her opinions but now she had Seokhoon whom not only was the best partner but also the best at comforting her and telling her things she needed to hear.

Rona still suffered a bit from doubts about herself and such, she thought about it for a while and after a few minutes her lips curve up into a wide smile and she nods at Seokhoon.

'Fine... I'll wear this then. Thanks Seokhoon ah.'

Smiling in triumph, Seokhoon nods and gently leans down to place a affectionate kiss on Rona's exposed nape.

Author's Notes:

Here's my update after such a long time... I'm genuinely sorry for the lack of updates.

To be honest.... My papa (father) passed away so suddenly just a few weeks ago. I seriously didn't have any energy to write or do anything at all... I still can't.

I lost my dear papa so early that grief has been engulfing me into this sad and dark world.

I miss my papa but I can't see or talk to him anymore... It's just sad to lose him at such a young age.

So cherish your parents while they're still with you.

I'm still in the midst of figuring out my life going forward without him... It'll be hard but life goes on right?

Anyways to the readers whom have been waiting thanks so much for your support.

Happy Reading Y'all


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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It Was Always You // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona ✨🌌🌠Where stories live. Discover now