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the first day of school couldn't get any worse unless you are moving to  London 3 hours away from your home town.

he wasn't scared of school? he loved school. but new people? new town? he could throw up just thinking about it.

harry got up early as he was scared of his first day, he didn't know anyone and he was pretty worried about the whole having to come out for the second time thing.

he took a shower and brushed his teeth. his nails were painted a very light pink making it almost invisible that he painted them.

as he was brushing his brown curls he started to regret picking out that outfit but he decided to go with it

it was a light purple sweater, denim trousers, black convers, a couple of silver rings and a pearl necklace.

he was walking down the street looking at google maps on his phone while blasting taylor swift on his earphones

as he got into the building he was greeted by one of the teachers and the gave him the instructions on how to get to his first class.

he sat next to a tallish boy with brow hair "hi I'm liam you must be new" he introduced himself

"yeah I'm harry" he said while shaking his hand

the teacher introduced him to the rest of the class and started the lesson

"i hope all of you read the books i assigned you for this summer because we have a pop test" he said in a fake excited voice "harry since you weren't here last year you can just relax while they do their work"

"what book is the test about?" harry asked

"midsummer night's dream"

"I've read the book so you can give me the test as well !"

"you sure? you will get graded?"

"yeah I'm pretty confident i can do it" harry said with a smirk on his face

"alright then if you insist" his teacher said "if you get a bad grade thats on you"

the thing about harry is that he is the biggest show it off, know it all person in the history the most competitive person you will ever meet. you can imagen how annoying it is to have him in your class.

after almost 20 minutes harry was done he got up and handed the test

"what do we do when we are done" he asked quite loudly

"you sit down and wait for the bell to ring"

after the bell rang harry encountered a interesting boy in the hallway...

"hey fag! that sweater is ugly as fuck"
a very tall boy with dyed hair, an eyebrow piercing and a dog caller yelled laughing his ass of.

he feared it would come to this, he didn't want to be annoying as he always is, but that was homophobic. what if he had done that to other so called faggots? so he decided to talk to the principal about the issue.

as he was in the office and told the principal what happened he heard him talk into the microphone

"louis tomlinson please report to the principals office"

harry got pretty nervous

and as the punk or louis entered the office harry notice he was good looking... like VERY good looking

"whats this all about John ?" louis smirked "oh hey you, still wearing that ugly sweater?" he wiped a fake tear "You know lost and found is right there"

"i told you multiple times not to refer to me with my first name, please take a seat."

harry looked the other way

"louis we heard from one of our new students that you have used the offensive slur against gay people"

"yeah and i -"

"louis our school has zero tolerance towards homophobia" the principal scolded

harry still could not look louis in the eyes he was sooo embarrassed

"john buddy will you ever let me finish a sentence god damn, see here is the thing, i am in fact gay, there for i can use the word faggot- "

"dont use that word in my office"

"what happened to faggots reclaiming the slurs used against them huh?" louis faked a shocked reaction "let faggots say faggot"

harry was in shock he expected anything but this


"alright i am sorry" louis said "when i saw this boy sitting next to me i used that word as in a hey we are both gay so we get eachother" louis winked at harry "and i gave him some fashion advice"

"harry does it bother you now knowing his side of the story?" the principal asked with a visible confused expression

"no sir i am sorry for wasting your time" he apologised

"and as for you louis two days of detention in miss evans class for being disrespectful towards me and swearing in the hallway, you can try catching up with your math homework while you are there"

"doubt it buddy" louis grinned

they got out of his office and stood in the hallway in awkward silence

until harry spoke

"sorry i got you in trouble"

"oh its fine princess me and miss evan go wayy back"

"did you lie about all of that to get out of trouble because i must admit-" he was going to say impressed. He didn't minde the nickname

"no no ofcourse not" louis rolled his eyes "and i might be an asshole but i guess you thought i hate crimed you so sorry? i don't know i don't usually apologise to people, but you are kinda cute "

"its okay i am sorry for reporting" he really wasn't

"well you could make it up to me by going out with me. give me your number" louis smirked as he handed him a marker and rolled up his sleeve "just don't wear that ugly ass sweater"

harry was pretty surprised at both things. well he did not expect louis to ask him out but also his arm was COVERED in tattoos

harry collected himself for a moment to think: louis was pretty attractive but he was a total douchebag which kinda turned him on for a weird reason.

"you are not really my type" harry lied and blew him a kiss

he did kinda regret doing that

Notes: i had this idea for a while now its a louis x harry fan fiction but they are based off duncan and courtney from total drama.

if you haven't seen the show its fine it does not effect the plot.

on the other hand its a great cartoon go watch it its up on netflix (or if you don't have it all episodes are up on YouTube

This is what duncan and courtney are supposed to look like

And no harry is not mtf in this fic or a cis girl or poc his personality is just based on hers <3

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And no harry is not mtf in this fic or a cis girl or poc his personality is just based on hers <3

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