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Louis brought them to a swamp it was definitely... a swamp.
There was trash everywhere and it genuinely grossed harry out.

"I don't really bring people here but you needed a swamp so we are here aren't we" 

"Is this a nuclear waste dump?" Harry was clearly annoyed "we are supposed to study wild life in their natural habitat, I think all the wild life here is dead"

"Thank you louis for driving me here and for taking the time out of your day to help me with this project" - he mocked harrys high voice "no problem"

"Ah yes thank you for bringing me to a nuclear waste dump, I might die soon from all this radiation but hey"

"Well than make the most of it cause I'm not driving you anywhere else"


For some time harry bugged louis to help him with the project but eventually he gave up because louis was not really of any help.

"If you want something done right you do it yourself"

And than louis watched him run around pick up things, take pictures, write notes and complain in his green shirt.

As the hours passed harry started shivering.

"You have been running around for so long come sit here" he yelled for him

As harry sat next to him louis started taking off him leather jacket

"Here put this on"

"No thanks I'm good" he obviously lied

"Can't let you get sick can I" he said as he put the jacket on harry

"And why is that" he expected a sweet romantic answer but was left with

"Because who will do the rest of the project"

"Oh shut up"

Louis just laughed it off and gave harry a side hug. It wasn't really a hug, they were sitting next to eachother and he just put his arm on harry's shoulder and brought him closer very fast. And that was it. It wasn't even a real hug and yet harry was going crazy over it. It was a bro hug for fucks sake

The jacket smelled like him and cigarettes. It had those spikes on the shoulders and a couple of safety pins on it. Even though he wouldn't admit it he was really cold and he was so glad louis gave him his jacket.

"Will we go home soon? I mean I'm almost done but I can't finish this at home"

"Ah its fine we can stay a bit longer"

"To do what, radiate ourselves even longer?"

"We could get drunk?"

"No way I'm not getting drunk with you"

"Saying that like you ever got drunk"

"UGH you know what just drive me to school I know how to get home from there"

"Oh cmon don't get all annoyed at me I'll take you home" he could see harry was exhausted

"If you insist ugh"

The car ride was mostly  silent since louis was following the instructions of google maps and harry fell asleep and woke up due to a bump on the road. He tried to play it off like he didn't lightly fall asleep and louis judt didn't mention it

"Harry we are here" he woke him up again

"Um yeah thank you for driving me I'll finish this later and send it to you" his voice was all scratchy "so I need your number"

"How the tables have turned, no sorry you are not really my type"

"Fine I'm not sending you the progress then, and here is you stupid jacket I wasn't even cold"

"Whatever you say" he just laughed "Sleep tight"

No response...

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