[26] Salvation came Knocking

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It was during times like this that Danielle was really glad that she was a wolf. Neither the mages nor the vampires had the advantage of forgetting their humanity and sealing their minds for a while and run around the world, escaping reality, even if it was just for a while. As she let Lupa take control, her consciousness receded. She turned into a mere observer of Lupa's actions. Lupa didn't disappoint her. She frolicked about the woods happily, delighted to be set free after a long time. She ran around at breakneck speed, getting an adrenaline rush.

But what Lupa loved doing most was hunt. She chased after a herd of deer, frightening them out of their limited wits. She lunged at the one lagging behind and tore at its neck, ending its life. She took her own sweet time savouring raw deer, something Danielle couldn't imagine doing in her human form. Hours later, when fatigue set in, she trotted to the lake within the royal territory and lapped up the water, quenching her thirst. As she sighed happily, her ear twitched, sensing movement in the distance.

Alerted, she stood up and took an offensive stance. Lupa glared at the woods, narrowing her eyes. She was about to snarl viciously at the intruder when she caught a familiar scent. She relaxed her shoulders and sat back on her haunches, waiting for the wolf to come out from the darkness. Sure enough, a charcoal-grey wolf stepped out from within the woods and walked towards her warily. She recognised him. He was Richard, one of the two betas of the Royal Pack.

The fur on his neck and down his front was smeared with blood. Blood dripped from his fangs and with his pale yellow, glowing eyes, he would have appeared quite threatening to an ordinary wolf. But for Lupa who had even suppressed this beta's king, he appeared like a pup playing house.

Although she was sure that he wouldn't attempt to do her bodily harm (that is, if he were even physically capable of it), it didn't hurt to be careful. Her hind legs were tense, as if ready to lunge at the first sign of threat. Richard walked towards the lake, maintaining a safe distance from her. Lapping the water up quickly, he kept looking at her from the corner of his eyes. Lupa didn't even make an attempt to hide the fact that she was keeping an eye on him.

She quickly realised that Richard had followed her with an agenda. She didn't know what it was, but she was more mildly curious than she was cautious. But seeing him procrastinate and linger around her for more than half an hour, she lost her patience and turned to leave. Suddenly, she could hear bones crunching; she knew he had shifted back.

Lupa turned to face him calmly. The man had a fierce, unpleasant look on his face. He was muttering something under his breath. He thought that she couldn't make out what he was saying but Lupa being Lupa heard him say, "Fucking females and their goddamned tantrums!"

She narrowed her eyes again. This time, her shoulders tensed, as if eagerly looking for a fight. Richard turned to face her. "Your Majesty," he sneered, "I have a proposition for you. If you could do me the courtesy of having a conversation in your human form, I would be very grateful."

Lupa huffed. It was rare that Danielle gave up her control, especially with what was going on these days. She growled, feeling displeased. Eventually, after struggling for a few seconds, she reluctantly gave up her control to Danielle. Danielle didn't know whether to chuckle or sympathise with her wolf. Her wolf queen was so headstrong and wilful that Danielle sometimes felt like she was raising a child.

She shifted back to her human form. She balled her fists and rotated her wrists, turned her head from side to side and twisted her waist. It had been nearly a day since she had been human. "Make it quick," she said in a brusque tone.

Richard bristled. Was this woman commanding him? What gall! Only his king had that right, not some exiled pampered princess. "I apologise for taking up your time, your majesty," he emphasised the appellation again, as if desperate to let her know that he didn't approve of her as queen. "But I felt it was important to let you know how much of a liability you are becoming for our king."

Danielle sighed. Why, just why was this happening right when she was loosening up? She rubbed her forehead. Richard took that as a signal to continue. "His majesty has spent every second of his rule working for the welfare of the werewolves. There has not been one instance where he has slacked off or ignored the needs of his subjects. It is-"

Danielle lifted her hand up, cutting him off. "Look, beta, I'm really not in the mood to listen to your fanaticism towards your king." She felt weary with just the thought of continuing this conversation. "How about we deal with this later? Tomorrow is an excellent time."

The beta's eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. In his view, every single member of the kingdom had the duty to fervently look up to the king and admire his sense of justice and righteousness.

So, to hear the queen, of all the people, brush aside the king's work as if it were nothing was nothing short of appalling to him. His face flushed with outrage on behalf of his liege.

Just then, Danielle's nostrils flared. Her lips twitched as she stared in the north-eastern direction. Her heart leapt to her mouth, wondering if the person she thought of often was here.

Richard's anger grew as he wanted to begin his tirade. "Pardon my-"

"I won't pardon you if one more word leaves your mouth. Shut up for a few minutes, will you?" Danielle snapped, her eyes still fixed in that direction.

For her, it was just snapping. But Richard felt the Absolute Will of his queen descending down on him like a mountain. Even as a royal beta, he felt so intimidated that he was breathless. He knelt without protest, trying to regain his bearing.

Just as he managed to slow his heart rate, he heard Danielle take in a shaky breath. When he looked up to glance at her, he saw her reddened eyes and her trembling fingers. He looked where she was looking and saw a young man walk towards her. The man was lean, almost emaciated. But his looks were otherworldly as if all the beauty of the world had been forced to reside in him. His skin was pale and his eyes were red - whether from the strain or the reunion, Richard couldn't guess.

He stopped two steps away from her. Danielle was biting her inner cheek so hard that she bled without noticing it. But the man frowned. He stretched his hand and touched her cheek with his fingertips. An almost unnoticeable glow appeared there. A few seconds later, he pulled back.

"I keep telling you not to hurt yourself but you keep doing just that," he chided her.

Danielle smiled. "Fallon," she breathed. She felt all the tension that had balled up within her in the last few weeks leave her in an instant.

He smiled back. "I'm here, little dove."

Bound by Dutyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें