[16] A Mother's Rite of Passage

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All of the beautiful views of gardens and fountains from the palace gates could not compensate for the welcome that awaited her at the entrance of the main palace building. The moment she stepped out of the car, she could smell powerful werewolves waiting for them, her, inside.

As if reassuring her and staking his claim at the same time, the king reached out and grabbed her hand in his, leading her to the giant entrance. Behind the open doors was a group of thirty to forty people waiting for them. There was not a trace of impatience on their faces despite the couple arriving a few hours late.

All the wolves looked rather strapping and well-built, giving off an aura of sharpness and discipline. But what, or rather who caught her eye was the regal, well-dressed white-haired lady with a forbidding and rather imposing look, oozing of power and strength. This kind of woman, she instantly felt a kinship towards.

Unfortunately for Danielle, the lady didn't seem to feel the same way.

"So, is this the woman who's going to be replacing me?" The older woman looked up and down critically at the woman who was her son's mate. Alex narrowed his eyes at his mother's unwelcoming tone. Lycan was already snarling inside, his protective instincts switched on. He really didn't like the disrespectful way his mate was being spoken to.

Danielle nodded firmly. "That would be me," she replied matter-of-factly. She didn't seem the least bit fazed by the pressure the lady was exerting on her.

"You think you're ready for this job?" The old queen looked at the younger girl scornfully. "If you still think it's a job, you're in for the shock of your life, girl, because it's your life now - stuck with you until you die!"

"I'm aware of the repercussions of accepting this role," Danielle said. Then, she hesitated before saying, "But I'm curious. You don't seem to like me. Have we met before?"

The dowager queen narrowed her eyes. "What does my likes or dislikes have anything to do with this?" She asked sternly. "The question is, are you even capable of carrying out your duties?"

"Mum, why don't we-" Alex began, only to be interrupted.

"As and when the need arises, I will become that much capable," Danielle replied with brevity in her tone.

Alex turned to her, taken aback by her reply. He was so happy about her accepting being a queen and the reply she gave that his chest actually puffed with pride.

Danielle saw a flash of surprise in the dowager queen's eyes. Observing that, she immediately realised what the older woman was doing.

"Fairly good looks, not that that's going to help anywhere, I suppose, when one is as dull as a beanstalk," Alex's mother continued as she perused her daughter-in-law. Then her eyes narrowed dangerously again. But hidden inside them was concern that Danielle could see. "This isn't a palace, little girl, this a war zone. We won't have snivelling babes getting mixed up in all of this and causing needless damage!"

"Mother!" Alex snapped. "That's enough!" His mother's head snapped towards him. She was about to speak when Danielle stepped forward, stopping him from speaking further.

"You don't see it, Alex," she said in a low voice. Alex was first taken aback by the name she called him. Then his brows furrowed and the dowager queen looked at her, perplexed. "You don't see that she's warning me and preparing me. She is only reminding me about what I have to do and what it entails. All her words stem from only concern."

There was stunned silence in the room. No one dared to speak. Suddenly, the dowager queen began to chuckle. The chuckles turned into hearty laughter. She walked forward and pulled the young queen's hands into her own. Her eyes, emerald green so like her son's, now had pleasure and warmth in them.

She looked her up and down maternally, in a completely different manner from earlier. "A child of Raelynn's is always welcome anywhere in the werewolf kingdom," she whispered, drawing her into an embrace. "You've brought yourself up quite well, kid. I don't know anyone more suited for the throne."

Did she know her mother? A surprised Danielle hesitantly put her arms around her mother-in-law. But she was distracted by something else. She listened carefully to the other's words. The older woman didn't say 'I can't see a woman', she said, 'I can't see one'. This implied that she saw her as her son's equal, and not as a consort. She also said that Danielle was 'suited to the throne' and not 'suited to my son' which made her feel rather complicated. Did she think that Danielle wasn't going to be a good mate to him? Did Danielle care if the other woman thought that? Or was Danielle, as usual, overthinking everything?

"Your brain works in the weirdest ways," Lupa commented. "Why don't you shut up and get a grip, Dani. It will serve us both well.

"Okay, mother, that was a nice enough surprise you gave me. But please let go of my mate, now," he demanded. Danielle stifled a retort at the undertone of possessiveness in his voice. She wouldn't be able to stand it if he didn't allow her to be touched by others or move around as she willed. She didn't understand why he would be so attached only hours after they met each other.

With a look of understanding, the dowager queen complied, stepping back. "Come to me anytime," she told her softly. "Any of the guards will lead you to my study if you want to talk about anything."

Danielle nodded. "Of course, Your Majesty."

The older queen shook her head. "Call me Helena."

Danielle smiled at her attempt to become warmer and closer to her. She nodded once again.

Alex then led her by the elbow, moving forward. There had been a long line formed in order of hierarchy and the king's preference. They had all assembled to meet her, but in this manner only. That was royal protocol. Actually, the protocol was stricter about important matters like inviting the queen into the palace, but Alex had decided to be laxer about things like that. He understood that she couldn't abide being restrained by anything.

Gesturing to the man standing at a distance from Helena and her guards, Alex said, "This is one of my betas, Richard." Once he introduced the beta, Richard made a shallow, insouciant bow with a distant smile. His eyes swept past the space above her collar bone, near the neck.

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