[18] How I Met Your Mother

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The room was a lot less imposing than the queen's chamber. Danielle lay on the queen-sized bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering what on earth she was supposed to do next. There was no guidebook or manual about being queen. There was even less information about the events which led to being queen. As far as she knew, only one woman would be a complete authority on that subject - a woman who had gone through it herself. Helena Remington, the dowager queen. When she thought about that woman, Danielle was immediately reminded about a matter.

Two issues could touch Danielle's bottom line, and one of them was about her mother. Danielle treasured every second she remembered being in her mother's presence. The feeling of strength and a sense of belonging. The feeling of being needed. Everything she had ever wanted, her mother had given her. And although she had been with her for only seven years, Danielle could never forget her mother's words and the ideals that Raelynn had held dear.

So, when Helena called her 'Raelynn's child' the previous day, she automatically became defensive when the topic of her mother arose. But she thirsted for any new information about her mother, anything about her life she could know and understand. Eventually, curiosity got the better of her.

Dressing appropriately, she exited her room. Outside, at the door, stood two guards. For a moment, she was stunned. She then remembered her mild disagreement - their first ever one - with Alex the previous day. "You're now the queen, darling," he had asserted. "It's not done to roam around the royal pack territory without guards."

For the first time in her life, she had met someone who could be as bull-headed as her, and someone who didn't listen immediately to her barking commands. So it came as no surprise that she was temporarily off-balance and lost the argument. Ahem. Disagreement. Looking at them standing at attention, gazing ahead despite her blatant stares, Danielle blinked thrice. Shaking her head, she opened her mouth to ask, "Gentleman, I need to go to the queen's chambers. Which way do I go?"

The blocks of ice moved. Both of them snapped their head towards her, their posture was deferential. "We'll lead the way to your new chambers, Ma'am," he said immediately.

Danielle's eyes widened. She waved her hands hurriedly, shaking her head. "My chambers?" She laughed shortly. "You seem to have a misconception. I'm not the queen yet. I was talking about the king's mother."

The guards paused, frowning. They exchanged a meaningful look. Then one of them nodded. "Please, ma'am, follow me."

He led the way to Helena's study. On reaching there, they knocked on Helena's door, announcing, "Her Majesty the Queen requests an audience with Your Majesty."

Danielle frowned irritably. Hadn't she already made her stance clear?

A voice from within gave her permission to enter, "Come in."

The guards opened the doors wide for her and bowed. Taking a deep breath, Danielle entered the study, looking in all directions at the grandeur and richness in the sculpting and painting she could see on the walls and the ceiling. These walls were ancient and so were the people enclosed within. Once again, the imposing architecture made her breathless. But this time, she could get a hold of herself better.

The guards closed the door behind her and once again turned into blocks of ice.

Danielle walked forward through a passage and just went where it led her. At the end of the passage was an opening to a huge room. In the middle of that room were a finely engraved table and chair on which Helena sat. She was already looking in her direction, beaming when Danielle entered.

Danielle gave her a small smile, entering hesitantly. Helena rose from her seat. She came around the table and walked up to Danielle. "You came much earlier than I expected," she chuckled. "Come, why don't you sit down?"

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