Saving him

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Itachi and Kisame were walking down the path when they sensed a presence nearby, the two men stopped and analysed their surroundings. A noise was heard behind some bushes to the left. Itachi walked in their direction, took a look behind them and gasped. He quickly made his way through the vegetation and bend down. Sasuke, his beloved younger brother was laying there unconscious and covered in wounds. Kisame gave his partner a confused looked and walked in his direction. He began to open his mouth to ask him what was happening but froze when he caught sight of Sasuke.

- " Oh my  , what happened to him? " The shark man said after a while.

-"I-I don't know, Kisame we-we have to take him to the base right now !" Itachi announced, he began to carry his brother.

-"Let me" Kisame told him, seeing that he too stunned to carry Sasuke properly. They began to walk quickly in direction of the base of the Akatsuki. When they arrived Itachi ran to Konan's room, ignoring the other members's questioning looks.

-" KONAN!" He called panicking

-" What is it Itachi?" She asked him confused

He didn't have time to reply, she spotted Kisame carrying Sasuke and immediately understood.

-" Put him in an empty room and bring all the medical stuff we have !" She ordered the two men who in a second brought her what she asked before being shoved away from the room by the purple haired woman who began to take care of Sasuke

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