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okay so since you wanted an update here it is but i actually have no idea where to go with this story so yeah.

The village of Konoha was quiet in the mornings. Naruto was slowly walking down the street heading to the Hogake's office where he had been called earlier. When he entered, Tsunade and Kakashi were already there, talking.

-"Ah Naruto here you are !" she exclaimed.

Kakashi greeted him with a nod of the head. His former master and himself weren't as close as they had been in the last few years.

All because of Sasuke, that selfish bastard, Naruto thought.

The Uchiha and himself had become more than friends after the war, but as the raven should have expected, the village still considered him a traitor. He had joined Orochimaru after all. Everyone agreed about that. Sasuke was still a traitor and should be treated like one, and he was an Uchiha after all, they weren't to be trusted, especially when you knew what his brother had done.

The only one who had stepped in the young Uchiha's defence was Kakashi. The silver-haired man had believed Sasuke's story instead of Naruto's words. The young man couldn't believe it and he hadn't forgiven his teacher for it.

While they were still a couple, Naruto had tried times and times again to get Sasuke to confess his lies, the stubborness of the Uchiha had made his violent side come to light, but the raven had deserved the hits after all.

Kakashi had confronted him about it a few times, even yelled at him. Sasuke would run the the grey-haired man often and then he would surely tell him lies about what had happened as always.

After a few months it was Tsunade who encouraged Naruto to stay with the Uchiha, she wanted him, to make Sasuke confess, but nothing worked, not the yelling, the hits, nothing.

At least, Sasuke was pretty good looking, Naruto had to accept that, it was one of his only qualities. The raven had a nice body and face, Naruto wouldn't complain about that.

-"You called for me ?" Naruto demanded when the few greetings were done.

-"Yes, I wanted to inform you that Sasuke left the village" Tsunade announced.

"He didn't leave the village" Kakashi  countered, "he was attacked by the villagers and chased away"

Naruto rolled his eyes at this former teacher who glared.

-"Yes yes, well anyways" Tsunade continued "we are afraid he might join the Akatsuki like his brother and finish what he had begun before the war"

Kakashi held back his protests. If Sasuke had joined the akatsuki, he wouldn't blame the boy. The people in Konoha, including Tsunade and Naruto had been nothng than complete monsters to him after the war.

-"I want you to find him. You will leave with Sakura tomorrow" the Hokage ordered.

-"Yes ma'am" Naruto nodded.

-"Kakashi you are dismissed" she said.

The man left the room, but he stayed behind the door of the office to listen to what was being said.

-"If you do find Sasuke, you can either bring him back here, or kill him do whatever pleases you it is no longer my problem" he heard Tsunade say.

Well, there was no way in the wordl he would let Sasuke get caught, or worse killed. He had to do something and quickly.

so here it is, i hope it is not to lame. i actually have an idea for the rest of the story but if you have any let me know. this chapter was kinda rushed because i hadn't planned on continuing the story so yeah.

If you want me to keep updating i will have a great day !!

also english is not my first language so sorry for the potential mistakes.

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