Akatsuki member

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Sasuke had met with all the members except for Pein who was still in his office. In the afternoon Itachi took him outside to breath some fresh air. The older Uchiha still didn't know how his baby brother got injured his curiousity was beginning to take over.
-« Sasuke ? » he called making him brother turn around to face him « would you mind telling me how you got your injuries now ? »
Sasuke looked down and took a deep breath.
-« The village » he whispered
Itachi looked at him with a confused look.
-« What do you mean the village, d- did they hurt you ? » he asked worried
-« Ever since I came back, all they do is try to hurt me and I- I just wanted to lead a normal life after everything that happened » Sasuke answered, he seemed on the verge of crying.
-« But why ? »
-« They all think that I left willingly »
-« Are they crazy ? Why would anyone want to go willingly to Orochimaru, he's a monster ! » Itachi exclaimed.
-« For them I use to hate you enough to do that » he explained « So any chance they got people would hurt me and even Naruto, he-»
He broke down, tears streaming down his face.
Itachi embraced him in a hug and told him that it was okay and that he didn't have to explain it right now.
Sasuke calmed down after a moment and thanked his brother.
-« Itachi, Pein wants to talk to you two » Konan called from inside the hide-out
-« We're coming »
Itachi turned to Sasuke and said : « If you really want to join you can ask Pein »
He nodded.
They entered the hide out and met up with Pein.
He greeted them and then asked : « So I heard that you had a request Sasuke is that right »
-« Yes » he answered, his head was down, he took a deep breath before saying « I would like to join the Akatsuki »
Pein seemed surprised at the request.
-« I- that can be arranged very quickly, if you promise to be loyal to the organization and detach yourself from you village Konoha »
Sasuke did as he was told and swore loyalty to the Akatsuki. He was given an Akatsuki cloak and since he didn't have a headband right now didn't have to slash it.
( A/n So that's not really cannon but let's just suppose that this is how you join the Akatsuki 😅😅)
They entered the living room and sat with the other members.
-« The last two Uchihas in the Akatsuki huh ? » Kisame laughed. « It's going to great. »

Hii, people. Thanks for the requests and thank you for reading. I'm sorry if it's a bit rushed but I tried my best. If you have any new request then tell me. Have a great afternoon !!! 🤗🤗🤗

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