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It had been two days since Itachi and Kisame had taken Sasuke to the base. The young Uchiha was still unconsious but according to Konan he should wake up soon. Itachi hadn't slept since he had found his little brother, he was worried and angry. He wanted to find whoever hurt his brother and make them pay. He was sitting on a couch, in the main room of the base while Deidara was arguing with Sasori about art. Kisame was there aswell looking from time to time at his parter, worry filling his eyes.

-" Itachi, don't you want to go rest for a bit ? " The shark man asked him

-" Not until Sasuke wakes up"

Kisame sighted : " Listen I know you are worried about your brother, but not sleeping is not going to make things any better"

He gave up, knowing Itachi would refuse anything he could propose. At that moment Konan entered the room saying Sasuke woke up. Itachi jumped to his feet and raced towards his brothers room. He entered quietly, Sasuke was sitting on the bed looking a bit disoriented.

-"I-Itachi? " He asked, not believing his eyes.

Without any warning Itachi hugged his little brother.

-" I-I so sorry, Sasuke for every-" he began

-" It's okay, Itachi, I-I know the truth"

-" You do ? You don't h-hate me ?" Itachi couldn't believe it, when is brother confirmed that he didn't hate him. Konan then came back and told Itachi that he could chat with his brother later, he had to get some rest. He left the room still suprised that Sasuke didn't despise him.

Sorry, it's been a while but I had school adn work to do so I didn't have much time. But anyways, i hope you liked this chapter even though it's a bit short and thank you for reading it. Have a great day !

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