18 Hours Till Disaster

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Hey everyone my names Jay. This is my first story so, sorry if the flow of it is off, and if the grammar is bad.
Hopefully over time I'll get better.
I'll be writing a chapter a week with revisions before posting it here.

Well hopefully you enjoy!!!


She was in trouble. Running low on magic with a broken rib, fractured leg and a deep gash over her right eye. She was lost there was no doubt about it, lost and alone.

This was meant to be and easy job, destroy a bandit camp located in the forest near Demoria, 30,000 jewel, easy for Lucy and her team. So how did it end up like this? With her on the run, natsu missing and her other team mates fighting only mavis knows where and with what. If only she could go back 18 hours maybe she could of declined the job or just gone out for a walk with natsu.


18 hours earlier

Lucy's P.O.V:

I woke up to my alarm screaming at me, slamming my hand on it to shut it up I looked at the time. '6am jeese why do I set so early?' Deciding its not worth it I roll over to go back to sleep, sighing I snuggle closer to warmth radiating of my dense teammate. Looking up i see his face is twisted in pain, he must be having another nightmare again.

Ever since the war with alvarez ended he's been having nightmares, he walks into guild tired and grouchy, some days he doesn't even turn up. 'he seems to be atleast sleeping when he's here' his although contorted in pain is handsome, with a sharp jawline, slanted eyes and a scar on his right cheek, he almost looks like a Greek god chiseled out of stone. 'what am I saying he's my best friend. There's no way he loves me back'

Realising how pointless it is to try and get back to sleep, I get out of bed to start my morning routine. Just as I'm about to walk to the bathroom I feel Natsu grab my hand, curious I turn around only to see he's still fast asleep.

"Luce... Don't... Leave.... Me" Natsu mumbles in his sleep, he face show worry and a hint of sadness. Sighing I grab a hold of his and gently remove it from my wrist.

I lean down and stroke his surprisingly soft salmon coloured hair "You're stuck with me forever I'm afraid" I whisper smiling at him. That seemed to have calmed a little as I watch his slowly relax.

Standing up I head to the bathroom, deciding to have a long soak I fill the tub and pour my newly bought bubble bath in, it smells like dragonfruit and mango. I get in and moan feeling relaxed after a stressful night, waking up almost every two hours to soothe a fire-breathing dragonslayer was not how I planned my night off to be. 'maybe I could take him to see a therapist, or a sleep doctor? No that won't work *sigh* if only he'd open up and tell someone about his nightmares, but any mention of them and he closes up. The only one he let's seem him like this is me, I wonder why?' blushing I realise my thoughts are drifting to impossible things, deciding I've spent enough time in the bath, I quickly wash my hair and get out.

Wrapping a towel round myself I peak out the door to see if Natsu is awake, seeing him still sprawled out on my bed I quickly and quietly head over to my drawers getting some underwear a matching bra, a black top with the moons phases on it, some slim fit jeans and a pair of black high heeled boots. I head back to the bathroom to change, once changed I tie my belt around my waist and place my keys and whip on the belt, going to the mirror I tie up my hair into a right sided ponytail and head to the kitchen to start making breakfast.

I make bacon, eggs and waffles for Natsu, while I have some waffles with strawberries. As I'm plating the food Natsu walks in topless and half asleep, his hair messier than usual and a look of pain etched across his face. "you look awful, I take it that you had the same nightmare again?" I asked feeling worry for Natsu. I get a grunt in reply as he walks, more like staggers, to the table. Which he proceeds lay his head on as he sits down. "I made you breakfast." I say while I place down food in front of him.

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