3 hours till disaster

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Hey guys second Chapter is up, for all who don't know I'll be updating every week on Thursday or Wednesday night.

Hope you enjoy, Nalu forever ❤️


Third person pov

"Natsu!!" weakly Natsu opened his eyes looking up from the floor he sees Lucy looking at him with a sort smile. "we're here come on, the others are outside waiting for us"

"aye" happy interjected as he hovered close to Lucys shoulder.

Slowly and carefully Natsu gets up from the train seat and interlocks his hand with Lucys and leaves the train, Happy smiling as he notices his partners getting closer.

Once of the train Natsu spots Gray and Juvia, still tired from the train he says "Oi, Gray where's Erza gone?"

Gray glares at Natsu with confusion 'he rarely calls me by my name'. "She's gone to find us a hotel, she should be back soon" somewhere through the sentence Gray managed to strip to his boxers, shocking many towns people and getting glares of parents.

"Gray darling your clothes" Juvia says while handing Gray his discarded clothing.

"yeah Gray don't want to scar the kids" Happy says giggling at him while flying out of his grasp.

"Shut it you" Gray grumbles while pulling on his pants. Just then Erza comes back, staring at gray with a unreadable expression she says "Gray if I see you stripping a again I will enforce punishment on you understood?"

Gray feeling a shiver go down his spine replies with an "Aye" and hides behind a giggling Juvia.

"Good, now there is only one hotel in this town, which is close to the forest in the west, and is roughly 10 minutes from the mayors house" Erza says while pulling out a map to show the rest.

"we should book our rooms first before we explore the town" lucy says looking at the map sahe finds a small bookshop near a night cafe. Natsu agreeing with Lucy walks with her in the direction of the hotel. 

Erza's pov

"Natsu has been a lot more subdued lately I wonder why?" I say following Natsu and Lucy at a distance so Natsu couldn't hear us.

"not sure, might have something to do with his nightmares. He doesn't even insult me as much" Gray says while scratching the back of his neck.

"juvia is worried about Natsu, he seems to be pushing everyone except Lucy away" Juvia says with a sad glance at Natsu, I have to agree with Juvia over the past week he spent less and less time with the guild and more time by himself or with Lucy. Sighing I decide to drop the topic.

As we are walking to the hotel you could see why the town is known as Galaxy Valley.

The town itself being relatively small with only one hotel, two cafes and a couple of shops, in the centre of the town stood a statue of a man and woman, the man had a draconic appearance with big wings and a tail ending in a spiky point. The woman had fox like ears, with slanted eyes and three tails protruding from her tail bone. Surrounding the town is a lush forest, that could hide any number of beasts. A clear view of the night sky above with minimal light pollution allows you to see the milky-way in the sky.

Arriving at the hotel you notice that it's quite small five floors with four rooms on each floor.

Entering the reception the hotel is rustic in design with wooden beams coming from the ceiling.
A small fireplace sits left of the desk with a set of sophas and chairs circling it. To the right is the dining room with big bay windows looking out to the forest, a door leads into the chefs kitchen which is hidden from view.

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