Missing Teammates part 2

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Hey everyone Sorry for not uploading last week works been tiring lately but I should be back on schedule now. I'll try to upload a second chapter this week.

this chapter might be all over the place and rushed I haven't had time to fully edit it so sorry in advance.


Natsus POV:

Groaning I slowly open my eyes 'where the hell am i?', adjusting my eyesight, I see nothing but pitch black darkness. I try to sniff out anything that would help indicate where I am, 'nothing but old blood and sewage, great', Trying to moving I feel heavy chains on my wrists and ankles. 

"I apologise for the poor accomodation and chains my lord" Looking up to the voice I make out a figure in the darkness, the figure is slim but tall.

"Who are you? where am I?" I ask hoping to get some sort of response.

"I am one of your followers my lord and this is our dungeon." moving closer the figure lights a small flame from his hands, his face is thin, almost hollow. Pale white eyes stare back at me with adoration bordering on obssession shinning in his eyes. "I have waited years for you to awaken my lord" scowling he continues "But then that wretched whore of a celestial mage kept you from awakening fully and hid the book from everyone."

hearing the way he speaks about my Luce I growl, wanting nothing more than to shove his face into the ground "Luce has done nothing wrong!"

"But she has my lord, she loock you away inside your own mind. She deserves to be incinerated" he face contorts into a sickeningly twisted smile, darkness swimming in his eyes.

"I won't let you touch even a single hair on her body"

"Ah but of course my lord. Apologise for my rash thought, I should of known that you wish to punish her yourself. Do not fret we shall have her soon enough, then we shall find where the book is" he smiles again as he slowly leaves me the light from the flame dimming as he walks away.

Once the flame has fully dissapeared I try to break out of the chains, 'I have to get out of here' as I am slamming the chains on my wrist against the floor, I feel overwhelming heat take over my body, scales are forming on my arms, my thoughts are going cloudy as I slowly lose consciousness 'No.......not......now' the last image I see is Lucys smiling face. 

???? POV:

I listened to what they said, is that child their lord? i don't sense any demonic power eminating from him. Wait I do it's faint but it's there. 'So you the one they want to revive with my power. Interesting.'

Lucy POV:


I wake up to quiet voice whispering my name "morning Lucy" I see Loke near a fire cooking something in a pot.

"that smells delicious, what is it?" I ask as I make my way towards the fire.

"Some stew I made from the wildlife in the forest." Loke replies handing me a bowl of stew. Smiling I take it and start eating.

"It's lovely, I didn't know you could cook"

"I can't, not really anyway, Virgo cooked it I just got the ingredients and did what she said" He smiles as he eats his portion of the stew. "I'm sorry"

"for what?" I ask while looking down at the ground.

"For what I said, I should'nt of questioned your motives"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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