Chapter 1

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©2014 _fanfic_writer All Rights Reserved

No part of this book may be duplicated, distributed, or transmitted into any form without the prior permission of the author, _fanfic_writer (T.A.)

"You have to drift if you want to win. Do you understand Rox?"

"Yes George. I heard you the ten times you've said it before."

"Then do it. Anyway, great job Ben. You got this in the bag."

"Thanks George." Bennett replied with a smirk on his face. 

"Yep now, both of you go back to the pit."

Ugh. George literally worships the ground Bennett walks on. Who the hell cares if it's 'Bennett Smith'... no one. He won a few races, so what I have too. I'm Roxy freakin Roberts. I'm on the cover of Racing Magazines around the freakin country. Of course Bennett is on the cover with me, but only because all of the other good male racers' aren't as good looking. If he wasn't so hot he wouldn't be on the cover. It's not like he had any real talent besides always getting on my nerves and trying to out show me (which he consistently fails at). 


You see this little 'rivarly' (I use the term loosely, because there is no competition, I always win) started when we were both 8. Bennett and his little sister Madison, who was 6 moved in next door with their mom, Susan. Susan and my mother, Marsha had become good friends quickly and told each other everything. Bennett and I did everything together and were best friends. My little brother Jacob, who was 7 at the time got along with Bennett ok, but liked to stay in the house and read books and stuff. My littler sister Ally, who was 5 got along really well with Madison. Mainly becase they were both bratty and aggravating, that was only one of the many things Bennett and I agreed on. Anyway when my father, Ian, took me to go sign up for race car lessons, Susan heard it through my mother, and Bennett came with us and signed up too.

You see, I was never a girly-girl. I liked to be different and do tough things so I felt accomplished and original. That's why I didn't really get along with Jacob or Ally too well. We didn't fight or anything, but we just didn't do anything together. Ally was always playing dolls or with Madison and Jacob was always holed up in his room. That's why I was happy when Bennett moved in next door. He liked to do everything I did. So when my dad took me to sign up for race car driving lessons, I asked if Bennett could go too. My dad signed us up with George Davis, the number 1, all-time, race car driving coach. we both took a liking to it and continued with lessons, year after year. We both enjoyed it and I loved doing this with him until...our 11th birthday party.

Since we shared the same birthday, we shared a birthday party. We had a skateboarding theme and our parents rented out an entire skate park. After the party, our parents took our siblings and our presents int the car and didn't have enough room left for us. So Bennett and I decided to walk home. We were almost there and we were talking about the party and having an awesome time until, Bennett grabbed my hand. 

"Ew Bennett let go, only girlfriends and boyfriends do stuff." I said then pulled my hand away.

"Aww come on, let's just pretend. You can come over and we can jsut pretend to be girfriends and boyfriends."

"Ugh, fine. But it it gets weird, I'm done."

So we went into his backyard and played. Once I got bored of it, which was pretty fast, we were up in the tree house just laying on the floor looking at sports magazine's. Next thing I know, Bennett pulled me off the floor, and kissed me. 

"BENNETT SMITH." I yelled after I pulled away.

He looked at me with a goofy grin on his face, "What, was it that good?"

"I will never be your friend again. I hate you and I wish you would just leave me alone."

I climbed down the tree house ladder and went to my house and up to my room. And I stayed true to my word.

∞Present Day∞

Even though I continue to see Bennett on a daily basis, I do not talk to him. He is my competition, in driving, and in every day life. I hold the National Title for Girls' and he holds the State Title for boys' but this year, the two best racers from each team have to race together in order to win the National Title. Our only competition is going to be Gina Wallis and Jonah Jenkins, and the only way to beat them is if we work together.

I took off my helmet and let my purple hair fly free in the wind. Bennett walked took his off as well and jogged to catch up to me. 

"What do you want?"

"To be around you and your wonderful attitude towards life." he said sarcastically.

"Doesn't everyone." I said with a fake smile.

"No seriously, what are you doing tonight?"

"What I usually do."

"Oh so nothing."

"I do things."

"Yeah whatever," he said with a smirk, "Anyway there's gonna be a super cool rager tonigh, with some paint and crazy music and some other things."

"Ok, thanks for informing me." 

"You wanna go?" he asked expectantly.

"Um, not really."

"I'm not gonna beg, so just be ready at 11 and sneak out the back."

I just rolled my eyes, put my helmet back on and go into my car, ready to race.

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