Chapter 3

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We cruised through the streets for a good 45 minutes before reaching a secluded house surrounded by trees.

"Bennett, I swear to Llama if you are trying to kidnap us or play out some creepy horror fantasy, Rox and I can easily take you. It's two against one and we are the toughest girls you will ever meet, so don't think about trying anything, okay buster?"

"Relax Zuri, the party isdown by the lake." Bennett said with a chill attitude, as usual.

"You know what, I hope you drown in the freakin' lake. You know my name is not freaking Zuri, it's Zoey. And if you even think about calling me Zuri again, I will personally mess you up without any back up from my main chick." Zoey said angrily.

"Chill out Z, and learn some new vocabulary besides 'freakin'.

After their little banter, we all got out of the car and followed Bennett down to the house.

"If the party is at the lake, why are we going into the house?" I asked feeling crafty for pointing out Bennett's dumb mistake.

"There's a list dumbo. You think someone would have a total rager down at the lake, some one could get hurt." Bennett said.

"If we're lucky maybe it will be you." I muttered under my breath.

"Love you too, Rox." Bennett responded.

Ugh this boy needed to get over his little crush, or should I say obssession with me. Honestly, I've moved on from the past and he needs to as well. Our friendship ended when we were like 12, he seriously needed to get a grip on his life. I don't even know why he likes me. I mean I'm pretty average looking, except for the purple hair. People tell me I could be a super model, but they seem shady and I personally enjoy eating. That's why as soon as we checked in and went down to the lake, I went straight towards the food. There was pizza and wings, which was pretty much like heaven to me. I eagerly grabbed a plate and put a couple slices of pizza and a few wings on it.

Once I raided the rest of the table, and some how managed to ditch Bennett, I walked down towards the lake and sat down on the dock. I was perfectly confortable sitting on the patio set on the deck, but I didn't like my view of people grinding and trying to eat each others faces. I didn't really understand why they were trying to eat each other when there was a table filled with all sorts of food, but that's hormonal tennagers for ya.

Once I settled down and was finally at peace, it was quickly disturbed.

"Having fun?" Bennett asked.

"Until you showed up." I replied

"Why do girls always have to be like that? You know guys don't think it's cute when you have attitude like that. It's not a good strategy to get us to fall in love with you."

"I agree, but with me, I'm not pretending. This is who I am."

"I know, but the attitude thing works for you." he said with a wink. Then he stood up and pulled me up with him. "We should go dance."

"I don't dance the way they do."

"Why not, it's fun?"

"It looks slutty and thirsty, two things I'm not."

"Well when you're practically wearing underwear and a bra then it looks slutty, but you don't so you're fine."

"I don't know how." I said protesting once more, trying to get out of dancing.

"I'll teach you then you can dance with someone else if you want."

"Ok, I guess."

I people are wondering why I said yes. I'm not even entirely sure why I said yes, but I just did. You know when you have those opportunities in life to do something totally out of your character and you do it? wel this was one of those moments. 

Bennett lead me out onto the dance floor and turned me around so my back was pressed against his back. He put his hands on my hips and guided them back and forth. Then we put some space between us and I turned back around and we went wild. We started doing the whip, the nae nae, schmoney, anthing dance there is, we did. 

I ddi the right thing taking advantage of this moment. It was fun and gave me a reminder of what kind of person Bennett is. He isn't some big bad boy, just because he some piercings and a tatoos. The exterior of him was enough for some people to make judgments about him. That bothered me, it mainly bothered me because I had turned into one of those people. It bothered me because I knew who he was on the inside, but after this time apart, I forgot about who he actually is and gave him the wrong label. I felt terrible about this after the party and decided it was time. It was time to forgive Bennett and change the label from "bad boy" to "Bennett". Because after all these years, he was still Bennett and that was all that mattered.

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2. Do you guys know about #jadison? What are your thoughts? I'm going to write my thoughts on #jadison in a update right after I post this one. Please give your thoughts, aand repsect mine. 

Thanks for the support! I appreciate it and love it. Ok peace :)

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