Looking For Daydreams?

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Hello everyone, please read this. It'd mean a lot to me.

Five years ago, I wrote a Fire Emblem fan-fiction that I called "My Daydreams."

After undergoing two full rewrites over two years, it stopped being fan-fiction and became its own story with original characters. I allowed anyone to read it for free, not thinking much of it.

I've had great feedback over the years and began to grow more confident of my writing abilities and who I could share the story with.

Through streaming and social media, I was put in contact with many people who enjoyed my story, which had been shortened to just "Daydreams." I was really glad that people enjoyed my cast of characters and the story they went through. Heck, some even made fanart of them.

But I never thought it'd be more than a story I felt I needed to tell.

Until one day, I showed the story to my Operations Manager at work. Within a few weeks, she finished the story and came to me, telling me that I had something truly incredible on my hands.

She then revealed to me that she had spent years working in the publishing industry. Working as my agent and editor, she helped me get Daydreams to where it is today.

But where is it today?

Being submitted for official publication through Booklogix.

I don't have a ton of details, but I do know it will be available in both ebook and physical format. (With ebook coming sooner) It will also include my art in some of the chapters and a cover that was drawn by me. I'll get everyone more details as they come, but for now, all I know is that my heart weeps with joy and my bank account weeps with pain lol.

But, seriously, I never believed I would make it this far with anything I do. I never believed Daydreams would be anything more than a funny story about a silly little guy and his gremlin friend.

I poured my heart into that story, just as I'm pouring my heart out to all of you.

Thank you all.

Jake Necroix

Sincerely,Jake Necroix

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Daydreams (PRE-RELEASE)Where stories live. Discover now