Guide My Spirit

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Hold me like I should have been held
Wrap me in your arms
I want to feel your heart
If I could crawl in your heart– I would
I want to know your inner workings
I want you to know the inside of me
Not the façade I show the world, no the real me
The vulnerable and small me
The one that is a child still
The parts of me I only show when I'm alone
The parts I unintentionally hide from the world, from you
Please open me so I can open up to my self
Guide me
Push me
Let me walk a mile into myself
Finding the parts I could have never found on my own
Lend me your light hand and reach into me and touch parts of me that have never been shown
Guide my spirit, guide me home

Half-Pint Confessions [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now