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I want to watch the future, I want to understand the universe. I want to collect it and bundle it up inside me.
I want an outer body experience
I want to float through time in a cloud of possibility
The possibility of beyond the beyond
I want world peace and clean air
Unconditionally cared for
I want self assurance in myself, the feeling of being sure of who I am
Am I only soft?
I want to rip the sky wide open and reveal its secrets
It's tears falling on to my face when it's secrets are laid bare.
I hear a roar of waves that are not the ocean; a wave of emotions that cannot be fathomed. I feel it's hands caressing my face, soft velvet strokes that comfort me.
Almost a mothers touch
I want infinity, tranquility, and solitude
Such words of comfort that wrap you in the softest sounds.
I want all the time you'll give me
In certain light I can see the reflection of innocence in you. A halo hovers over you and I want to grasp it.
Give us more time
Don't be took away so quick
Almost gone in the blink of an eye
I want everything that I cannot comprehend.

Half-Pint Confessions [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now