Why am I running????

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She asked me why I was breathing heavily. I wasn't, I was breathing normal. She was the one breathing heavily. Tonight was a full moon and I was not a normal human being. I was a werewolf. I haven't been able to change since I was born, that is until about 2 years ago. I'm 18 now. I have medium length ebony hair, bright blue eyes, and a stocky build. I live alone in my own house because my parents died just a few months ago and left everything to me. Also my name is Rusty Black. The girl breathing heavily is my friend Crystal Stewards. I didn't want this to happen but it did. I was a werewolf and I couldn't do anything about it. I also had loved how I could never get hurt. That is until now. I had hurt people who I loved the most because of who I am when I change. I turn into a monster, a predator, a creature of the night. I'm much worse than a little vampire. I am more immortal than they are. They do exist, in fact I had a friend who was one. He was hunted down and killed by a vampire slayer. I vowed to him that I would hunt down the vampire slayer who killed him. I still am hunting down that vampire slayer who killed my beloved friend. I miss my vampire friend everyday. Anyhow back to the situation at hand. My friend Crystal knew that I was a werewolf because she was a what you would call a hybrid. Crystal was a child of both a werewolf and witch. Her mother was a witch and her father was a werewolf. Crystal also lives alone because her parents, like mine, had been killed by hunters. These hunters hunted down vampires, werewolves, ghosts, zombies, and dragons. But there were the monsters they sometimes hunt down when one of them go rogue. These include fairies, elves, mummies, the occasional pixies, and the most common of them all demons and demonic lords. (Lords who are more than evil they create it and breathe it). There were also gargoyles and unicorns that talk. (Yes unicorns that talk). (Demons and demonic lords do kill people in this story, but they only really do it once a year or when a contract is signed. Also the demonic lords are beneath Satan and in charge of different types of demons, since some make contracts to get people's souls and others take care of the retrieval of those souls). Getting back to the situation me and Crystal are in. We were running through a "haunted house" that is just abandoned and creepy looking. But we were catching our breath at the time that she asked me why I was breathing heavily. They were right behind us, the demons and hunters. We don't know why the demons were after us, probably because we crossed their territory somewhere, but the hunters we knew why. The hunters were after me. I'm not the alpha's son (being if I was, I would have assumed the position after my parents were murdered). I was just a "normal" werewolf. My mom told me that I am actually part something else. My father was not in the picture when I was born so I don't know what he looked like. Mom married another werewolf and he raised me. I learned how to hunt and transform from him. But now I'm on a journey to find out who my real father is. I only have one clue to go on with. He's an extremely high power supernatural creature of the night. I don't know anything else about him but I will in this journey through territories of enemies and friends and suspicious creatures. But for now I have to get out of this abandoned house....ALIVE....with Crystal.

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