The Truth

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As the demons and hunters were closing in on us someone came to help us out. My father. You heard right MY FATHER came to help us out. At the time I didn't know though. He was tall, had red flaming hair, and was muscular. And by red flaming hair I mean his hair was actual fire. He was part phoenix, part werewolf, part vampire, part incubus,  and part demon. He was feared by many even most hunters wouldn't go after him. So when they saw him they ran like someone shot them in the ass and light it on fire. We asked him who he was and he said his name was Dean and that we would meet again some day in the future. Who would have known that it would be soon. We left the building and went home. The next day I tried to understand what happened the night before and find out more about this Dean guy that saved us last night and to figure out where he may have came from. What I found out was he was once Satan's go to guy and that he would deal with anyone in a cruel and very painful way if they disobeyed Satan. And he was not just Satan's right hand guy he was the first mashed up creature to be created so he was granted more powers than the rest. He was pure evil till one day. On that day he was kicked out of Hell and sent to live on Earth because he dared to fall in love. Satan did not like that his creation had defied him so when he made the demons he made them stupid and null to any emotion. The person he fell in love with happened to be my mother. You maybe wondering why I'm a werewolf though if I have a father that is all those creatures how did I not notice I was supposed to transform and had to be taught how to do that. Well to answer that because plot. No but honestly because my father's blood of those creatures hid it for so long and that it suppressed it until it was time and until I was ready to meet my father. I didn't know that I would become the most powerful creature that was to be. I would surpass my father and be hailed as the most feared above Satan himself. But in order to tell this story right we need to go back to the beginning, back to why we were being chased. We may have come across a hunter's body that looked to have been ripped apart by a werewolf. Of course being a werewolf I bent down to smell the corpse and get the scent of the werewolf that killed the hunter and and get to know what may have transpired. Like it was said before I am a special werewolf so I can do better things. I can see what happens when someone dies. Sadly only when someone dies. But it happened to be a rogue werewolf that tore the hunter apart but never fed on his heart. (Which is the best part of the kill.) He only feed on the flesh. Which makes him rogue. But hunters came because they had heard a scream and what they found was me and Crystal standing over the dead body of their friend. Of course they are just going to calmly ask what happened right? Nope. They started running towards us and shooting us. Well that's just great we are being chased because we stumbled upon his body and happen to be werewolves. Did I forget to mention our claws were extended? Well before we were getting chased we were kinda meeting someone and had a run in with a vampire who doesn't like us. Most vampires don't like werewolves but this one had tusseled with us before and there was a reason he hated us more. His friend was killed by a vampire slayer. His friend was the same friend as mine and he didn't like that. He thinks the reason why his friend was killed was because of us. The thing is I was there with him when he died and his last words were to remember him and respect his kind. That's kind of hard when the vampires want us dead and we are just standing here like "um we don't hate you". We were just minding our own business. When suddenly he attacks us for being too close to his territory. He ruined our meeting we were having that was close by, the guy ran when he saw him. Guess he didn't wanna get in between us. Well he is a ghoul so running was in his best interest. He can't really fight a vampire. Yeah we have a ghoul friend. His name is Gage Slash. Cool right? Anyhow, we were chased from him and towards the hunter's body because of the vampire. His name was Nate Stone. His family has had run-ins with my family so naturally he hates me. But we never really had a run in with each other until now because I passed his territory to close. So I guess now we are bound by the bounds of fate to be mortal enemies or something like that. So now we are caught up on how we ended up in the "haunted house". The thing is that we had researched my father's name and came up with this stuff about the demons and everything else. We suspect that other supernatural creatures like succubi and incubi are real. We looked up creatures like kitsune and lamia and nymphs. Since we have yet to actually meet any of them we figured we look up what they could do and how powerful they actually are and if we need to worry too much or not. Turns out that we will need to be careful of succubi and incubi because they are bad news. We also looked up phoenixes incase we meet one we know what they are like and how not to set them off so that they don't burn things down. We didn't expect to have to put the knowledge we had learned about these supernatural creatures to use because in just a matter of seconds we would meet one.

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