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(This book is originally on my A03 account named "HELPIMSTUCKINABOX" but I decided to share it on here too.)

Okay so if you haven't realized by the description, this is actually a fusion fic between LN and Yo-kai Watch (I took the plot of Yo-kai Watch and made it into a Little Nightmare AU with a bunch of twists and altercations- it might just be inspired by yo-kai watch at this rate but I'm still saying it's a fusion fic) but actually knowing Yo-kai Watch isn't required to read this story. You just gotta know what Little Nightmare is and I assume you do know what Little Nightmare is since you're here. 

also for the people who do know Yo-kai watch here, instead of using the shows' versions of Yo-kai I'm gonna go kinda hardcore and use Wikipedia Yo-kais since those aren't sugar-coated and some are decently scary- good for LN. So Wikipedia is this book's life support so if i get the mythology wrong pls no blame me im just following the wiki.

anyways if you prefer reading on A03 here's the link to the book as a comment from me >

if you prefer reading on wattpad or literally just dont care just keep going and i hope you enjoy the story! :thumbs_up: 

Sta-tic Watch! (Little Nightmares AU)Where stories live. Discover now