Bos Taurus (1/2)

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this was supposed to be in all one chapter but it ended up being over 20k words woopsie daisies! two-parter!


Underneath the locker was dark and cramped. And even worse, she was weighed down on her backside because Sevenade was stuck on top of her. "Get off me!" Sixsune growled, trying to shove the Isonade off of her. Though he had only banged against the top of the fallen locker since their space was too small for that kind of action, "I can't-" He responded. "This locker is too small."

Sixsune attempted to grab at the edge of the locker, trying to slip her claws beneath the locker's edge-line and lift it up. Though she could barely move in her current position, trying to lift up a whole entire locker with only the effort of your arm and not putting your full strength into it was tough. Impossible, even.

Sevenade began his own attempt to get out, slamming his tail against the ceiling of the locker. Thanks to his hook-armored tail every time he hit the ceiling of the locker his hooks clashed against the metal. Producing an annoying and loud clinking sound which Sixsune hated.

None of what they were attempting was actually raising the locker. "Mono, are you still out there?" Sixsune yelled out, yet she heard no response back. Furrowing her brows, Sixsune decided to try something;

Sixsune attempted to somewhat forcefully shift her position, shoving around and crushing Sevenade in the process. Despite the distressful whines he let out, Sixsune had entirely ignored him and kept on with her action. 

Sevenade had been forcefully shoved onto the bottom while Sixsune was on top of him in a crouching position.

"Sixsune this is so uncomfortable, you're standing on my stomach-" He wheezed. Again, Sixsune had not really acknowledged him. She attempted to slide her claws underneath the edge line of the locker from her new position, successfully slipping her claws under it again. Putting her legs and her professional skills of ignoring Sevenade's suffering into it, she managed to heave the locker off of them.

The artificial lighting of the overhanging ceiling lights bloomed into them, shooing the darkness away. Immediately, Sixsune rushed down the hall. Her eyes frantically darting around the area in search of Mono. Worry crept into her heart once she found no trace of them.

Sevenade had only just now moved from his spot, standing up and dusting himself off. Sixsune rushed towards him, "Mono's gone." She hushedly said, though there was clear panic in her voice despite keeping herself quiet.

"He's gone?!" Sevenade shouted in alarm, his rather carefree attitude dissipating.

"Yes! And I swear this is all your fault." Sixsune snarled, letting go of her persistent quietness."If you didn't upset me we would've dodged that locker easily!"

"Excuse me, how could I have known that we were about to be ambushed!?" Sevenade yelled back defensively, his tail curling over his legs just beneath his knees as a stress reaction.

"We're supposed to be on guard for the sake of Mono's safety. If we kept a serious and alert attitude we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place, we could've protected Mono from whatever got him!" She growled.

"Well- It- He- I mean, It isn't my fault I distracted you..!" He responded hurriedly, though by his tentative face it was clear he knew he had no actual good come-back. His body going rigid with distress, stuttering as he tried his best to come up with something to defend himself on the spot, "You- You should've ignored me, but you took the extra step of lunging on top of me and pinning me to the ground! That got us in the perfect position to be trapped!"

The kitsune let out an irritated growl, "Gosh, I despise you. You're really trying to put the blame on me-? Admit your fault, you're the sole reason this has happened." Sixsune said, her voice now quieter but still very angry.

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