Chapter 2 - Fish Ends Meet

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The Yo-kai was basically like a mermaid- Or should he say merman? The Yo-kai swam slowly to the front of their door-raft.

It was a boy who looked to be around his age. The boy had gray skin, black shaggy hair, and dark grey ears that are webbed out similar to how a fin on a fish-tail would be like. The Yo-kai swam closer to them, allowing more features to be seen.

The boy had webbed hands and feet, allowing him to swim through the water with ease. As he swam towards them Mono did notice his slower swim was a different variant of swimming then what he saw before, previously it was more of a shark swim. But now it was more of a doggy-paddle with the tail moving to the sides only a small bit. He must have different ways of swimming for different speeds.

As for the tail, it was on his rear. In scale, his tail was pretty long in scale for the child's small body. His tail being about six feet long in comparison, which was a major length seeing how most children in this world are barely half the size of a floor vase.

The Yo-kai was still fully clothed of course, having a blue knitted sweater and blue-ish gray jeans that were torn in the back to make a hole for his shark tail.

Lastly, Mono had noticed a metal chain cuff stuck on their right ankle. The actual chain part of it was broken off but a small part of the chain still remained on the cuff. Mono had to wonder- Were they imprisoned as a Yo-kai somehow or did they die to a viewer while imprisoned or after escaping imprisonment and their chain was taken along with them to the afterlife?

"Hey, get out of here before I come in and claw your tail off!" Sixsune threatened, snapping Mono out of his thoughts. She bared her teeth, her eyes locked onto the enemy.

The Yo-kai dipped their head underwater and began to switch into a faster swimming method. Having their legs pressed against their tail and make their body go side to side like a moving snake as their tail began to wave in a swimming motion. They steered with their arms, stroking through the water with their arms in the direction he wanted to go, though most of the work and speed of course came from his shark tail.

They were heading straight for the door again, trying to take another piece out of it.

"Hey, stop!" Mono yelled out pleadingly, "Please stop!"

The Yo-kai, ignoring him entirely, leaped out of the water. His arms outstretched and his mouth agape. Ready to chomp down on the wood as he headed towards the door.

Sixsune lunged forward at the Isonade as it neared the door, curling her fingers around the Yo-kai's stomach in a tight grip and tossed them to the center of the door like a salmon you'd pluck out of the river. She scrambled forward and pinned down the Isonade, the Yo-kai flopped and flailed about, trying to wiggle free and get back into the ocean.

Sixsune's weight was too much and soon he gave up on his attempts, staring up at the kitsune holding him down. His tail was so long that his tail-fin hung off the edge of the door, slightly dipped into the water.

Now that Mono had a closer, clearer look on his tail he had been able to notice that the Yo-kai's tail had hundreds of small hooks on them. The pointy-end of the hook sprouted outwards from between his scales. It wasn't like some injury, it was a part of his skin. Mono could assume it'd hurt pretty badly to get slapped by that tail.

She growled at the Isonade, eyeing him like a pest. A vermin.

"Hey." Mono waved to them, gaining the Isonade's attention. The boy looked like he couldn't believe his eyes when Mono focused on him, "He's not really speaking to me?" He spoke in a quiet voice, his tail-tip flopping and splashing against the water. It was a tiny splash.

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