Leaving UK

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Jinx’s POV

            We arrived back at the hotel after we were finished at Nando’s and we all gasp as we see Simon sitting on the couch.

            “Ready to go?” he asked.

            The boys all sprinted to their rooms while I was staring at him.

            “Where are we going?” I asked.

            “Uncasville, Connecticut.” Simon said with ease.

            “Great, awesome, fantastic.” I groaned towards my room.

            “What’s wrong?” Louis asked packing his stuff quickly even though my stuff is already packed thanks to my fast fingers.

            “We’re going to the U.S and now I get to deal with the fact I’m in the same continent as Marcus.” I laughed.

            I grabbed my bags and they were brought down to the car. I grabbed my instruments and put them in the car keeping the guitar out so I can practice my parts.

            “FIVE MINUTES BOYS!” Simon screamed.

            I ran down to the car nearly getting trampled by Niall who was sprinting like it was the last day on Earth. I laughed at the thought and started working on my part in ‘Summer Love’.

            Niall sat next to me in the car.

You always will be mine for the summer

Now we know its nearly over

Feels like snow in September

But I always will remember

You were my summer love

You always will be my summer love

            “You’re really good, Niall, you have a great voice.” I said nudging him.

            “Hey, don’t you have to call Bieber?” he said nudging me.

            “Crap!” I grabbed my phone and called him up.

            I waited for him to answer. Two rings were all it took.

            “Jinx!” he yelled with joy.

            “Hey, we’re leaving to Connecticut meet us there. Uh, Uncasville. Meet us at the airport.” I said.

            Niall was jumping up in down in joy. “Bieber. Bieber. Bieber.”

            “Awesome! See you then.” He hung up and I smiled.

            “Bieber and Ripley sitting in a tree-“I shut Niall up by hitting him in his gut real hard.

            “I think you mean Tomlinson and Ripley sitting in a tree.” I snickered.

            Louis jumped in the car with the rest of the boys.

            “GO GO GO!” Harry yelled.

            The car speeded towards the airport while Louis kept trying to count to see if everyone was here.

            “Hazza bear, Daddy Direction, Zayny, Nialler, and J. We’re all here!” Louis yelled with joy.

            “Are you here, Boo?” I asked him.

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