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The rain was heavy with lightning that shook the earth as it struck down. The small town of Everly hasn't seen a storm this bad in years. The town folk scrambled to secure what they could hoping not to have to much damage.

Down the road at the bus stop a group of passengers were just let off. Among them was a twenty something beauty by the name of Ava. Her brunette hair reached to the middle of her back. Her skin glistened and felt soft to the touch. Her most aluring feature was her emerald green eyes, even though it was nighttime they shined. Ava looked around at the town before rushing with the rest of the passengers to find shelter from the storm. Luckily a small coffee shop remained open to welcome them. Finding a booth in to back, Ava sat staring out the window observing the rain. Suddenly startled from her trance by the waitress causing her to grab her chest. Oh darlin I am so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you the waitress told her as she placed a hand on Ava's shoulder. No it's ok Im fine she answered back. With her pen and paper in hand she excitedly asked what can I get ya? Oh umm I'll just have a coffee please. Comin right up, my name is Fran if you need me, I'll be back in two shakes. Ava watched as Fran went behind the counter to fill her order. Glancing over to the bar she noticed a tall gangly man staring at her. This sent chills down her back, she quickly turned her attention back to the window. Returning with her coffee Fran could see that Ava was distressed. Are you ok sugar, you're shaking like a leaf. I'm fine just cold I guess she told her as she pulled her coat in closer. Alright well if you need anything else just give me a holler.
Looking down into her cup of coffee, thoughts began flooding her mind. What was she going to do, where was she going to go from here? I ran away to escape a bad life, only to be in a worse one. No place to go, very little money left what am I gonna do she asked herself. Feeling the table move she looked up from her coffee to find the man from the bar sitting across from her. She froze, she could feel her heart beating fast in her chest. Why was he there, what did he want? Hey there gorgeous, I noticed you getting of the bus, are you new to these parts he asked her. She remained silent, she didn't want to engage with him. She just ignored him by returning to her coffee. Did you not hear me girl he snapped. It's rude to ignore someone just tryin to be friendly. He reached for her but before he could touch her a very stern Fran stopped him. Earl you leave that poor girl alone, your order is ready now get. Raising to his feet he snatches the bag from Fran while giving her a foul look before leaving. Don't you pay him no mind hun he is harmless, just likes to flirt with the girls that pass through here. Thirty minutes later Ava pays for her coffee and starts to leave but turns back to ask Fran if there was a hotel near by. There is only one place in town right down the road dear. Thank you she tells her as she headed out the door.

Checking to make sure she had everything she made her way to the hotel. Still raining but not as bad like it was the calm before the real storm Ava walked slowly with an uneasy feeling. She felt like she was being watched which made every hair on the back of her neck stand up. It was very dark and quiet. This made her feel even worse. As she continued she could hear foot steps coming from behind her, she quickly turned around to see who was there but found no one. Setting off again the foot steps she heard before started once more causing her to panic as they got closer. She turned but again no one is there. What is going on she thought as she turned back towards the hotel. Suddenly a hand covered her mouth and she is dragged down a dark alley. With all of her strength she tried to get away, but her attacker was to strong. Once they reached the end of the ally her assailant told her to stay quiet or get hurt. Now I'm gonna let you go but don't you think on running girl cause that will make things worse for ya you hear. Shaking her head yes he released her and turned her to face him. Earl stood before her with an evil expression on his face. We meet again gorgeous, I was hoping to get back to our conversation now that we're alone. I have nothing to talk to you about, please let me go she told him as she looked past him down the alley. Oh sure I'll let you go darlin just as soon as I'm done with ya. I think you owe me for being so rude at the coffee shop don't you he asked while running his fingers through her hair. She pulled back shouting don't touch me, while she attempted to run away. This made him angry, grabbing her by her hair to stop her. Now I told you not to run, I'm just gonna have to teach you a lesson now aren't I.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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