Group name

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Heres a story about my friends and I deciding that we should make a group name.....As yall know IM SHORT, so getting teased is very easy.

I've gotten a few comments like:

"Lmao, we couldn't recognise you though,  you look like a grade 6"

"How's it feel being  short?" 

"Omg, are you 11?"

I may have  gotten used to them but it still hurts

So anyways,

Me and my friends(who are taller than me) were hanging out, Y'know, talking, making jokes, laughing, the things friends do

Until my dumbass decided to say "hey, how comes we don't have a group name yet? I mean, we have been hanging out for a very long time..."  there was silence, until, my friend replies with "omg, your right, yall got any ideas?"

There's 4 of us, so my 2 other friends looked at each other  as if they've been waiting  for this to happen. "How about the 3 tall musketeers" one of them exclaimed 

I was shocked "wait, where do I come in?"  My friends were basically laughing at me, after that question I made (I basically called myself short) 

Once they were done,  my favourite friend decided that the name needed something more, something that will make me feel even more pissed than I already was, "hey, how about, the three musketeers, oh, and (my name)" at that point I had snapped 

My respect for the group had dropped to 50%

"FUCK YOU GUYS!"is what I said while chasing them, unfortunately,  my legs couldn't get me far.

So I just sat alone, sad.


Hope you  enjoyed the story 😀 

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