Chapter 4

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Akeno and Rias woke up before Damon and they both looked at him while he slept. Akeno stares at Rias and smiles then she decided to get on top of Damon to wake him up.
Damon sits up real fast getting woken up like that a his face goes right in between Akenos breast.
Akeno "Told you he likes mine better"
Damon looks around but it's just dark. He starts to feel up on Akeno breast wondering what is this real soft feeling. He pulls back alittle and looks. Akeno is sitting there bitting her finger blushing hard.
Damon "Uh ummm good morning Akeno"
He goes to lay back down just to fall into Rias's chest. She took the opportunity to get behind him. He then sees Rias arms reach in front of him and pulls him closer.
Rias "Good morning Damon. Is this comfy enough for you?"
Damon's face is as red as Rias's hair. He just nods yes as the two girls giggle at him.
Akeno "I can get use to this Rias. Sleeping with him is so nice. I don't think I can ever give this up."
Rias "I told you it was great."
Damon "I think I might need a bigger bed"

Akeno moves in a kisses his right cheek and Rias kisses his left.
Akeno "If we didn't have school today I'd be more then happy to stay like this all day."
Rias "I agree with you Akeno. I will say waking up a hour earlier was definitely the right call."
Damon "What now? A hour earlier then normal. I can't complain this *coughs* this was worth it."
The two giggle as the three cuddle before school. The three all get up and Rias and Akeno asking Damon to help them out with their bras. He helps them out and they all start walking to school together. The two are wrapped around his arms.

With Issei he is walking to school but he bumps into a girl knocking her down.
Issei "I'm sorry i didn't see you there. What's your name?
Asia "I'm sorry. My name is Asia"
Issei having the creepy smile on his face. This creeps Asia put.
Damon "Hey Issei you scaring that girl?"
Issei "What? No. We bumped into each other. She seemed lost"
Damon "Hey you alright? You need any help?"
Asia "I was just looking for the church."
Damon " I can bring you there. My first class is a study hall. I can bring you there."
Akeno "Damon is handsome and helpful. I might need some personal help later" she winks at Damon.
Rias "Your so kind Damon that's really nice of you."
Issei "You have Rias and Akeno now?!?! Man are you taking my dream from me."
Damon hits Issei upside the head.
Damon "Issei you look at either of them that way I will hurt you."
Issei "Man you just ain't fun are you."
Damon shoots him a look.
Asia "I don't want to be any trouble. You can just tell me where to go."
Damon "Your not causing any trouble and I rather not have a girl walk across town by herself. Rather not have you get lost. Rias, Akeno I'll see you in a bit. I'll get her to the church and then head to school."
Rias kisses his cheek "Be safe and don't take long please"
Akeno "I'm serious imma need your help later. You better be safe." She kisses his other cheek.
Issei "Man this is so unfair"
Damon "What's your name by the way. I'm Damon."
Asia "My name is Asia. I was told to come here by the other church. I just got lost."
Damon "I'll walk you there. I'll make sure you make it there safely."
Asia "Thank you so much."
Damon walks up to Rias and hugs her and kisses her cheek and then the same to Akeno. They both blush and wave good bye while they watch Damon walk Asia to the church.
Issei "Wait president are you dating Damon?"
Rias "What? N-n-n-noooo. We are just childhood friends."
Akeno "We both know that these is more there between the three of us. Wouldn't say dating *yet (in a low voice)* but we are definitely more then friends."
Issei "What's so special about him anyways "
The two girls shot him a look and he just puts his head down.

As Asia and Damon are walk Asia keeps looking up at Damon. She keeps having a small blush on her face.
Asia "Thank you again."
Damon "Don't worry about it. We are almost there. If you ever need help again I'll be around."
Asia just smiles
Damon's thoughts "This girl is just so innocent. I can't let the world destroy her. I'll be making sure to check up on her when I can to make sure she is okay."
Asia "Hey you okay? You look like you have something on your mind."
Damon "Yeah I'm fine Asia"
Damon hears a small child crying. Him and Asia run up to the child.
Damon "Hey kid you okay. *He looks down* oh you fell. Let me help you up."
Asia "Hey you want me to help you fix your scrap?"
The little kid nods his head with tears in his eyes. As Asia walks over and bends down her hand start glowing green. She puts her hands over the kids knee and when she moves her hand the kids scrap is completely healed.
Damon "Wow that was impressive. You cam definitely help alot of people with that."
Asia "This is why I was removed from my church and told to come here. I healed a devil and I was called a witch and other bad name."
Damon "Your far from a witch. You are pure and really nice. This church will be lucky to have someone like you."
Asia "Thank you that means alot to hear."
Damon "How about this, we can call ourselves friends from now on and I'll make sure no one ever picks on you like that again."
Asia just smiles looking up at Damon.

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