Chapter 1

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I woke up in a car i blinked my  eyes and saw my mom not moving "mom wake up" the car was laying upside down dad was waking up "Maya?" "I'm here Dad "why's mom not waking up?"  "I don't know Sweetie can you move?" "I can't feel my legs dad" Okay, "Don't worry Sweetie the paramedic will be here soon" I exhaled "dad what paramedic, there's no one here" my dad exhaled "Maya I want you to close your eyes okay Sweetie?" I nod not sure what my dad was going to do, I heard him moving and groaning, "dad can I open my eyes?" "No sweetie you can't" I heard him cutting off a seat belt  "I'm sorry Katy I'm sorry for everything" I heard him whisper. Then I felt my seat belt getting cut off I felt him dragging me out of the car "hold on Maya" "Okay dad"

"Now you can open your eyes" I saw I was out of the car "where's mom?" My dad exhaled "she's dead sweetheart" "no, she can't be dead mom!" "Maya sweetheart listen she's dead, whether you believe it or not"

I looked at my legs they were still there but I couldn't feel them, "dad I still can't feel my legs" my dad exhaled he looked at me, "Sweetheart you might be paralyzed, but don't worry I'll carry you"

"Don't worry?!" "Mom is dead I'm probably paralyzed and we're in the middle of nowhere" "Sweetie everything will be fine I promise you" I checked my dad he didn't looked okay, "dad are you going to die?" "I might die but you won't"

The next day I woke up beside my dad, he looked pale "dad?"  I called his name but no answer, "no dad please don't leave me" He was dead and I was paralyzed I could never get out of here at least that's what I thought.

Days passed and here I am in an orphanage sitting in a wheelchair, people found me and brought me to the hospital as soon as I got discharged from the hospital I got brought to an orphanage, luckily I'm not alone I made two friends Anna and Josh Anna and I became very close friends more like Besties "hey Maya" Anna came walking into my room, she and Josh were siblings they both got dropped off at the orphanage by their parents Josh was the oldest of the two, I had told them what happened to my parents they felt sorry for me..
"Hey Anna, what's up?" "Josh and I wanted to play outside will you come playing with us?"

I smiled "well I guess I don't have anything else to do so why not" I joked seeing Anna smirk she rolled my wheelchair and together we went outside.

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