Chapter 14

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As Ashpaw plunged back into the forest it seemed as though everything smelled fresher than ever before. She ran and ran until her shoulder started to ache. Soon she smelled the familiar scent markers of LightingClan. She glanced up and saw that it was almost sunset.

"I'd better hurry." Ashpaw muttered as she crossed the border. She continued running at a brisk pace. Ashpaw felt glad she was back in her own territory but she didn't know whether her Clan would accept her back.

It was almost completely dark as Ashpaw burst into camp. To her surprise Spottedstar was sitting out in the clearing staring up at the stars. Spottedstar turned in surprise and stared at her like she had grown rabbit ears. "Ashpaw? Is that you?" Ashpaw nodded and Spottedstar flicked her tail and said "You're brave to come back after what you did to Morningfeather." Ashpaw's eyes widened as she listened to Spottedstar.

"But I didn't push her! There was a badger and it fell in while Morningfeather was on it!" Now this time Spottedstars eyes opened and she said 'That's not what Darkwing said." Ashpaws mouth dropped open and she asked "Darkpaw is a warrior?" Spottedstar nodded and she said "Slashshade is too." Suddenly Spottedstars eyes hardened and she said "Go to the to apprentices den and make a nest away from Grasspaw and Hollowpaw." Ashpaw nodded and said "Fine." She padded to the den quietly and curled up in a tight ball not bothering to make a nest.

The next morning Spottedstar called a Clan meeting just after sunrise. Ashpaw padded out of the den trying to ignore the gasps of shock and horror meeting her apperence. She heard one cat call out "Ashpaw!" As Ashpaw scanned the crowd she saw a familair black pelt and she said "Slashpaw! I mean Slashshade!" Then she bounded forward touching Slashshade with her tail.

He put his tail across her shoulders and meowed to the crowd when they all hung back and no one came forward to greet Ashpaw. "Am I the only one who's glad to see her?" When no one answered he glared and yowled "If you cast her out I'm going with her!" Ashpaw blinked in surprise. Then he yowled "Darkwing! Come here now and I mean it! If you don't then I will make you!" Darkwing never appeared so Slashshades eyes darkened and he padded forward.

Suddenly Darkleaf yowled "I've had a prophecy about Ashpaw!" Just as Slashshade found Darkwing and leaped at him claws unsheathed. Ashpaw just stood there frozen unbelieving everything that happened.

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