Chapter 16

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Ashpaw barrelled into Slashshade just as his paw flashed down for the killing blow. Slashshade flailed around for a second as Ashpaw regained her feet. He turned on her and growled "Why did you do that?" Ashpaw just turned and checked on Darkwing. She let out a sigh of relief that the blow never landed on his neck, though he had quite a few marks all over his body and face. Ashpaw let out a yowl of shock as a heavy figure landed on her back and flipped her over. She stared in shock as Slashshades green eyes glaring in fury. "Slashshade what are you doing?" Ashpaw managed to choke out as Slashshades paw pressed on her throat. His claws sliced into her sides and belly but Ashpaw couldn't shake him off. She went limp almost not pretending, and Slashshades grip relaxed just enough for her to wiggle free and Ashpaw reared up and slashed at his eyes. She dropped down and stared at Slashshade, who's eyes were now horrified as he looked at Darkwing and Ashpaw. He shook his head and murmured "No I'm sorry." Ashpaw just look sorrowfully at Slashshade then collapsed. Ashpaw just lay there gasping from the pain. Darkleaf raced over with a bunch of herbs and cobwebs and started placing them on Ashpaw and Darkwing. Ashpaw drifted off into sleep as the medicine cat said "Don't worry."

When she woke up Ashpaw was in the medicine cat den with Darkwing beside her. He looked horrible since his black pelt was almost white and red with cobwebs. Darkleaf padded in and said "You're finally awake. I have something very important to tell you." Ashpaw nodded but noticed how he looked around nervously. She glanced at Darkwing and seeing he was still sleeping she said "What is it?" Darkleaf nodded and said "Ashpaw... I am your father. It wasn't actually Adderflight." Ashpaw gasped and said "I never knew that! Morningfeather never told me and Darkwing!" Darkleaf sighed and said "Darkwing knew Adderflight was his father." Suddenly Ashpaw started "You're MY father? But you're a medicine cat!" Darkleaf nodded his eyes full of sadness. Ashpaws mind was turning. She was the daughter of a medicine cat?

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