Chapter 23

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'We are going to die!" Ashstorm shrieked silently in her head. She leaped towards the fox as Ashstorm heard Shatteredpaws leg bone splinter as she yowled in pain and confusion. Since she was blind she couldn't pinpoint where the fox was as she was being flipped around. Ashstorm unsheathed her claws as she slashed at the foxes eyes. It yelped slightly and dropped Shatteredpaw as Ashstorm continued slicing at its ears and nose. Her claws caught on its ear and blood sprayed everywhere. Soon Ashstorms blood joined Shatteredpaws and the foxes running on the ground. Shatteredpaw had managed to drag herself to her paws and totter towards the edge of the clearing. "Keep going Shatteredpaw! Just keep walking and hope you find the scent markers!" Ashstorm jumped onto the foxes back and bit it's ear spraying more blood onto the leaves. Finally the fox gave up and limped away yelping angrily. Ashstorm sighed and padded as fast as she could go with her wounds. Only now did she realize that the foxes teeth had ripped into her flank and blood was poring out. Along with that some of the flesh on her leg had been ripped away so much that Ashstorm could see the bone. She gritted her teeth against the blinding pain and pushed on looking for Shatteredpaw. "Shatteredpaw?" Ashstorm called out limping even more now. She could faintly smell some scents of LightingClan but she was too tired to distinguish who's they were. She limped along following the trail of blood that Shatteredpaw left. She could smell the border now and she was getting more and more worried about Shatteredpaw. Suddenly she heard a very weak voice call out "Ashstorm?" Ashsotrms heart quickened as she headed to where the voice came from. She saw a small body lying by the edge if a bramble bush. "Shatteredpaw!" Ashstorm raced forward and bent her head to sniff the small body. Shatteredpaws left rear leg was shredded to the bone and flash was hanging off of it with blood soaking the ground around her as well as her fur. She turned her blind eyes on Ashstorm and whispered raggedly "I'm going to die aren't I? And even if I live there's no way I can be a warrior." Ashstorm shook her gray head and said sternly yet gently "Bo don't think that way. We are going to make it home to LightingClan and Darkleaf and Cloudpaw will patch you up." Cloudpaw was Darkleafs new apprentice training to be a medicine cat. Darkleaf had promised Ashstorm multiple times to go and see her mother Wisp but he never did. Ashstorm shook her head clearing away thoughts of meeting her mother. Right now what mattered was Shatteredpaw living and being okay. Ashstorm bent her head and grasped the apprentices neck gently in her teeth and started dragging her towards the LightningClan border.

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