Chapter 9

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"Aye, Miller!"

Noah looks towards where the voice shouting his last name is coming from and he rolls his eyes. Josiah is standing on the side of the track field, hands in the pockets of the green shorts he's wearing. His eyes are hiding behind a pair of dark designer sunglasses and the white shirt he's wearing is fitting his muscular upper body just right. The early September sun is shining on him, making his dark brown skin look richer than it already is.

The older guy looks good and Noah hates it. He hates it because he's all sweaty from track practice and probably looks a mess right now. His bun isn't as fluffy as it was before, his face is hot and his clothes are sticking to his skin due to all the sweating he's doing. Not that it matters how he looks for Josiah, but it's more for himself. When he looks good he feels more confident and less insecure. And that's exactly what he needs when talking to Josiah sometimes, confidence. His friend is insanely handsome and sometimes Noah is quite intimated by that.

"Hey," Noah pants as he approaches Josiah. He just got done with a long distance run and he's exhausted. For some reason he feels awfully nauseous too. "What are you doing here?" He asks while taking a bottle of water from the cool box.

Josiah shrugs as he watches Noah drink from the bottle of water before pouring some of it over his face. It's something about Noah's caramel brown skin glistening in the sun, the pinkness of his cheeks and some of his curls falling in front of his face that turns Josiah on. Maybe because the way Noah currently looks reminds him so much of how the younger guy looked underneath him just three days ago. "I came to check on you since you've been ignoring and avoiding me for three days." He says nonchalantly. "My calls are ignored, messages are left on read and you pretended not to see me yesterday when I know you did."

"Mhm," Noah hums. "I don't know what you're talking about? I've been busy." He knows exactly what Josiah is talking about because he has ignored all three of the older guy's previous calls, left him on read since yesterday and did pretend like he didn't see him yesterday. The reason he's acting like this is because guilt is eating at him. Not that it should because Valentine and Josiah aren't together, but it is. He knows how Valentine feels about Josiah still and he went and hooked up with him, again. On top of the guilt he's been feeling extremely tired and nauseous all day long, making him more irritable than he's used to.

"I bet you were." Josiah checks Noah out before shaking his head. "Anyway, go get showered so we can go. I have somewhere to be."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Where would we—"

"You wanted to get tested because you had unprotected sex with mister don't worry about it, right? Let's go then."

"Okay, first of all, rude. I'm still not over that shit. And second of all, you want to go right now?"

"Yeah, I have an appointment for in an hour. Let's go."

This is very unexpected, but Noah simply tells Josiah okay before they both go their separate ways. Josiah will be waiting for him and then they'll go to the clinic to get tested. Is that something friends do? Is that a normal thing? Does that normally happen? How does testing even work? He had preferred to read about getting tested before blindly going into this. But then again, this is something he really wants to do. With Princeton cheating on him for who knows how long and them having unprotected sex all three times, he'd rather be safe than sorry. At least he was smart enough to make sure Adonis and Josiah wore condoms — he's not ready to deal with any of the consequences. Especially not when he knows how Josiah gets around. He has yet to get to know more about Adonis.

For now neither Josiah or Adonis matter. Noah was safe with them, made sure they wore a condom, and he's sure both guys are clean. It's Princeton who matters. Princeton cheated and they had unprotected sex. Only the universe knows who else Princeton did the same with.

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