Chapter 23

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author's note:
if you read chapter 23 when I first published it, read this one again bc I had to rewrite the chapter due to accidentally deleting it the first time. this also mean I wrote it differently from what it first was.
enjoy 🌻


The faint sound of a door clicking shut is what wakes Josiah up. Not the movement around his room, the gathering of things or the sound coming from the bathroom, but the faint sound of his bedroom door shutting is what takes him out of his slumber. The spot next to him is cold and no longer occupied by a warm body that was there not too long ago. It makes Josiah chuckle — Noah snuck out again. This has become their thing and he can't even be mad about it. Because what's the point in cuddling with each other anyway? There is no point to it at all except for unnecessary feelings being developed. Feelings Josiah doesn't want to deal with anymore because he's over Noah. So he's happy the younger guy snuck out once again.

Josiah gets out of bed and trudges to the bathroom to take a shower and wake up properly. He'll probably spend the rest of his day in until one of his friends come over or when they make plans for tonight. Maybe he'll invite Valentine over since he flaked on him last night since he was supposed to go over after the party. But then Noah happened and who is he to resist the younger guy? The sex alone is worth having Valentine being angry at him. He'll survive. All he has to do is buy Valentine some pretty flowers, add a box of expensive chocolates or an expensive bottle of wine to it, give him some good dick and they're good again. Valentine can never stay mad at him for too long.

It's about thirty minutes later when Josiah steps out of the bathroom, into his bedroom, with nothing but a towel around his waist. He does his usual routine of walking around his room, putting on deodorant, moisturizing his skin and going into his walk through closet to pick a comfortable outfit that's some designer loungewear. He then goes back into his bathroom to brush his waves, put on his durag and do his skin care routine. At last he ends up changing his sheets because last night's affairs are still on them.

A warm feeling along with chills wash over Josiah as he thinks about last night. What Noah and him had last night wasn't sex. It was more than that and he's been trying to deny what he felt when Noah looked him in the eyes. The look in Noah's eyes had him him feeling as if butterflies were flapping around his stomach, tickling the inside of it which made him feel a sense of happiness to have Noah so close to him. Every single touch had his skin burning, every single moan sounded like the sweetest melody and every time their eyes met he felt this hot sensation in his chest. Last night has left him feeling strange. Josiah blames it on the alcohol. If it weren't, Noah would've felt it too. But he clearly didn't or else he wouldn't have snuck out like he always does.

The savory smell of freshly baked bacon hits Josiah's nose when he exits his bedroom. Soon enough he notices noises coming from the living room and kitchen, making him aware he isn't alone. Did Valentine come over? His ex-boyfriend is the only one with an extra key to his apartment — which he still has to take away from him for many reasons. One of them being him coming over unannounced and uninvited. It's a dangerous matter. Valentine already walked in on Noah and him once without making a scene, but if it were to happen again Josiah just knows that will end in a disaster.

Josiah stops in his tracks when he gets to the kitchen. A soft chuckle comes from him as he looks at the sight in front of him. This is not what he was expecting to walk in on at all. Noah is sitting at the kitchen island with his eyes on a show that's playing on the TV. His curls are loose, he's wearing a hoodie that doesn't belong to him but to Josiah and there's a very visible hickey in his neck. He doesn't notice Josiah until he makes his presence known, taking Noah out of his concentration.

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