Chapter 14

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Loud knocking followed by the doorbell ringing unnecessarily long startles Noah from the unexpected nap he was taking. He looks around, trying to become aware of his surroundings. The entire apartment is dark and the show he was watching on Netflix is asking him if he's still watching. Clearly he isn't. Noah huffs and sits up as he starts feeling around him to locate his phone. In the midst of his movements he hears a loud thud — there it is. He picks up the device and presses the home button to check the time.

"What the fuck,"

Eighteen missed calls from Josiah and a bunch of text messages from him as well. Noah quickly unlocks his phone and goes to his iMessage. The knocking on the door begins again and this time Noah actually pays attention to it.

"Noah open this fucking door!"


Noah quickly gets on his feet and scuffles to the front door while checking his phone. What is going on? Could something possibly have happened to his mom? His little sister? He really has to stop leaving his phone on do not disturb. Especially with Amelia being as sick as she is. He reads the text message he received from Lolani telling him that he's out for drinks with some guy he met a while ago and that he won't be home tonight. That being the only message Lolani sent him immediately puts Noah at ease. This means nothing has happened to his loved ones because if that was the case, his mom or Alicia would have texted his best friend.

So far, so good. But if nothing is going on with his family and Lolani is fine, then why is Josiah banging on his front door like he's gone insane? Why is Josiah at his front door in the first place? They haven't spoken since Princeton came to visit him. Noah texted him after Princeton left but all his texts were left on read. What makes Josiah want to see him now? If it's for sex, he'll have to draw a line because they agreed to stop doing that. Not really, but sort of. Friends don't have sex.

Noah opens the front door, just to be met with Josiah. His friend looks angry. "Hey—" Josiah pushes him inside the apartment in the middle of his sentence. "What the fuck? You can't just—"

"Why the fuck did you feel the need to tell Valentine I got you pregnant?" Josiah asks in a raised voice, not caring about the time of the day and the neighbors. He slams the door behind before turning to Noah. Nobody has to hear about their business. "Well?"

Noah crosses his arms over his chest, getting slightly defensive. Of course Valentine would go to Josiah about this. But he's not going to let his friend yell at him like he's some child. "I don't know, you tell me." He retorts with some attitude. "Why did you tell him I'm pregnant in the first place?"

Josiah sucks his teeth out of annoyance. One wrong word from the Noah and he'll explode. "Don't fucking start with me." He tells the younger guy with quite some aggression in his voice. "I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you lately, but that attitude of yours has been pissing me off. And don't even get me started on your behavior. Ever since we first hooked up you've been acting like anything but yourself. You changed, Noah. Valentine and you are constantly arguing about every damn thing and I seem to always be in the middle of it. For what? Why are you constantly arguing with my fucking ex-boyfriend about me? You don't even have feelings for me!" He voices full of frustration. Noah looks away from him, staying quiet. That makes Josiah sigh. "Unless you do.."

"I don't." Noah answers softly, ignoring all else Josiah just said. Arguing with the older guy is pointless. Josiah wouldn't understand why he's acting the way he is. He, himself, doesn't even understand why he's acting the way he is.

"Of course you don't." Josiah comments bitterly. Coming over to Noah's is a waste of his time. "I'm gonna go, this is a waste of time. I'll see you around."

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