chapter 8

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Chrystal shivered as they stepped out into the cold snow. mouse wrapped her jacket that she had grabbed around Chrystal's shoulders. " but mouse wont you be cold?" Chrystal asked " I'm a demon i don't feel cold." mouse said looking forward her red eyes dark Chrystal thought of something and stopped mouse stopped as well looking at Chrystal.Chrystal stood up on her toes and kissed mouse on the cheek then took of walking leaving mouse standing in the snow dumbfounded. she smirked and ran over to Chrystal picking her up on her shoulders making Chrystal yelp. mouse continued walking. a smiled placed on her face. mouse let Chrystal down when they were back in town. Chrystal looked down her face a bright red he blush obviously showing. mouse chuckled and looked forward. Chrystal looked up and punched her in the arm. " your punches feel like bee stings" mouse laughed bee stings to her didn't hurt a bit. Chrystal blushed a even darker red and shivered again " your still cold?" mouse asked and wrapped her arm around Chrystal's waist pulling her close. mouse smiled. Chrystal's face just grew hotter. mouse and Chrystal continued walking. mouse and Chrystal stopped in front of boxy the squirrels pizza's(cred to my other wattpader mangledtogether) Chrystal looked up at  mouse " you wanna get some pizza?" she asked. mouse nodded and they walked in their were a few other people their some adults and some kids some young adults around their age also getting a cheap lunch. mouse and Chrystal sat down near the stage witch held boxy and his crew. mouse smiled as they ordered their food. 

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