chapter 10

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mouse smiled and pulled Chrystal by the waste towards herself kissing the top of Chrystal's head. she smiled as Chrystal's face turned the brightest red it could.Chrystal and mouse walked back home and into the living room. sitting down on the couch and emptying out the two large bags. their were several lovely boxes and necklaces with Chrystal's easily placed onto them. Chrystal smiled as she looked down at the glittering items. mouse smiled and opened one box witch held a Lot of office supplies with Chrystal's name on them. mouse opened another large box to reveal a bunch of wight and pink dresses,skirts and shoes. Chrystal gasped down at all the lovely dresses and skirts. she picked one up and then looked at mouse " oh mouse you really didn't have to do this for me these must have cost so much!!" Chrystal exclaimed "ah its nothing butch owes me"  mouse smiled her sharp teeth glinted. majesty came walking down the stairs her brother trailing her like two baby ducks after their mother. majesty glared down at her younger sister. 


" just a Friend eh?"mouse and Chrystal's fathers mumbled over the 12,000 mile distance of the underworld " cant we just let them be free from this feud?" asked the girls mother.  " No daughter of min will date such a low life bottom feeder!!!" yelled their fathers making the whole room shake

mouse looked at her sister and glared back. she put her arm around chrystal and pulled her into a embrace ' il protect you no mater what' mouse thought.

chrystal X mouseWhere stories live. Discover now