chapter 12

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mouse blushed looking to the other side of the room.Chrystal smiled snuggling up to mouse. mouse sighed happily and pulled the blanket up to Chrystal's shoulders.she slid down and wrapped a arm around Chrystal pulling her over and falling back asleep.


mouse sat up and yawned Chrystal shuffled slightly under the covers but stopped. mouse smiled down at her and threw her legs over the side of the bed standing up she sighed happily. she took a few steps towards the door than sniffed " pine needle and plastic. majesty. coffee and apples. big bro. Candy's and paint. little bro. all waiting outside" mouse mumbled and then looked over at the window. she smirked : well then your not talking to me about nothing today gang." she said opening the window and climbing the side of the house to her bedroom window. she slid it open and jumped into her room throwing open the closet grabbing a pair of blue jeans a flannel jacket and a wight shirt.grabbing some black running shoes and a red beanie. she crawled back through the window and straight into Chrystal's again. mouse walked over to Chrystal's sleeping body and shook her awake " huh oh mouse?" Crystal questioned sleepily. "yes now get up sleepy c theirs something i wanna show you." mouse smiled and traded places with Chrystal. Chrystal's stepped into the walk in closet and picked out a pink and wight striped dress. she walked out of the closet and grabbed her bright blue hair bow tying it her hair up. mouse smiled " and the lovely princess just gets lovelier." mouse said her sharp teeth glinting.Chrystal blushed " shall we go then?" Chrystal asked waling to the door. " OH! NO!" mouse said loudly " were going through the window " mouse smiled and picked Chrystal up. mouse walked over to the window "wha?! ah no!! MOUSE!!" Chrystal scram as mouse jumped from the window. and then she stopped.neither of them hit the ground.hard.Chrystal opened her eyes. she blinked they were safe on the ground.and then mouse started to run. the trees whipped pased them faster and faster untill they came to a stop infront of a large wooden...castle

chrystal X mouseWhere stories live. Discover now