Chapter 5

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The sun hangs lazily right above the horizon, the sky getting darker as night approaches. Sam and I still stumbling through the woods, trying to make their way back to civilization.

"Elias, the road sounded like it was so close to us," Sam whines as we trudge along.

"I know, I know, I thought so as well..." turning to Sam, "but just a few more minutes and we should hit it."

Hopefully we hit the road soon. Who knows when that monstrosity is gonna show up again, as well, what name did it speak to me? And something about a traitor? None of this makes any sense. Best to not tell Sam though, it'll just make him panic further than he is now. Although there was talk of gaining control, so maybe demons? Possession or something like that? Or is it something else? Demons wouldn't betray their own would they? Hell if I know.

My foot hits road as Sam throws his arm in front of me, yelling at me to stop, "Elias! Stop! Jesus, you almost got hit by a car..."

He turns to me with a puppy dog look on his face, worried. "What's got you so distracted?"

I need to say something, a lie that is convincing. He won't just accept "nothing" as an answer.

"I, uh, was just thinking about back in the forest with you."

A half-truth, has to buy it right?

"Mhmm, alright, what exactly about me?"

What exactly? Are you kidding me? I mean, it was kinda hot... wait no, I'm straight, I think. God, thanks Sam. Gods be damned, I'll admit that.

"Just, how hot it was when you were throwing yourself at me..."

Bad choice of words, but oh well, got him blushing and embarrassed now, maybe he'll stop pushing it.

Instead, Sam leans in to kiss Elias again, stopping as a truck pulls up next to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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